miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010

Information Society Newsroom Update Weekly - 12/05/2010

Weekly Issue - 12 May 2010

Latest News

Digital Agenda: Information and Communication Technologies top total corporate R&D investment in Europe

(12 May 2010)Europe's Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector, accounting for just 4.8% of GDP, leads the way in private research and development (R&D) in the EU, with 25% of total investment and 32% of researchers working in the private sector in 2007, according to a European Commission report released today. However, even with these numbers the EU is still lagging behind global competitors in terms of both public and private ICT R&D investment. This investment gap is identified as one problem to tackle by the forthcoming European Digital Agenda, one of seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

6th Annual World Health Care Congress-Europe

19 May 2010 - 20 May 2010 Brussels, Belgium

This forum convenes over 400 leaders from all sectors of health care to share the best practices and successful initiatives for improved delivery and outcomes in Europe. Among the topics discussed are issues such as "Successful eHealth implementation : improving quality, access and costs" and "Ambient Assisted Living - new solutions for the ageing population".

Regions for Economic Change conference - "Building Sustainable Growth"

20 May 2010 - 21 May 2010 Brussels, Belgium

The conference will focus on the following key themes : sustainable energy, sustainable ICT solutions and greening Europe's cities. The event will also provide an opportunity to network and exchange good practices in the use of cohesion policy instruments at regional level.

Contact: Michael.Latsch@ec.europa.eu

Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Regions workshop - Building an AAL Community of Regions

3 June 2010 Barcelona, Spain

Many AAL stakeholders, especially service organisations, SMEs but also political bodies and administrations, are operating on a regional level. In particular, end users and family carers have mostly a regional or even local perspective. Access to markets, especially for new systems solutions, are possibly easier on a regional level because of already existing networks and activities between main actors and supportive regional policies and programmes as e.g. special credit schemes for senior citizens. The AAL Association would like to welcome representatives of regions or projects closely related to regions for a first exchange of information and possible interest and ideas for cooperation in the area of Ambient Assisted Living. Deadline for registration is 20 May.

Assistive Technology-technology transfer

4 October 2010 - 5 October 2010 Sheffield, United Kingdom

The headline theme of the meeting is 'The social model for Assistive Technology-technology transfer (AT-tt)'. This social model assumes that the development of AT is something that has to be driven by the goal of achieving an inclusive society - and so there are moral, financial, business and scientific issues to understand and manage. Participants are expected from business, academia, health or social care and users of assistive technology. A call for contributions has been launched (outline to be sent by 31 May). This workshop is organised by Association for the Advancement of Assistive Technology in Europe and the University of Sheffield.


ICT Policy Support Programme - 4th call for Proposals

(Deadline: 01/06/2010) This call for proposals was launched on 21 January under the 2010 Work Programme of the Information and Communication Technologies Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (2007 to 2013). The Work Programme 2010 focuses on 6 themes: ICT for a low carbon economy and smart mobility; Digital Libraries; ICT for health and inclusion; Open innovation for future Internet-enabled services in smart cities; ICT for improved public services for citizens and businesses; Multilingual Web.

7th International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalized Health

26 May 2010 - 28 May 2010 Berlin, Germany

This event aims to bring high-level scientific information and to show best practice examples. It also aims to trigger active discussions between scientists, medical doctors, policy makers from the healthcare industry, hospital administration and allied professionals.

Contact: info@phealth.com

p-Health 2010

26 May 2010 - 28 May 2010 Berlin, Germany

This International Conference on Wearable Micro and Nano Technologies for Personalised Health aims to attract scientists from various disciplines, doctors and policy makers from the healthcare industry. A specific focus will be given to the following topics : Telemedicine in cardiovascular disease, smart endoscopic capsules, Ambient Assisted Living, smart therapeutic implants, smart textiles and wearable diagnostic sensors, pHealth in surgery, patient monitoring and point of care diagnostics, advanced imaging for personalized therapies, data management, the economics of personalized health care.

Contact: info@phealth2010.com See also:
Call for Papers and Registration are open from 01/11/2009

HTAi 2010 - Maximising the Value of HTA

6 June 2010 - 9 June 2010 Dublin, Ireland

Supporting healthcare decision making is the cornerstone of health technology assessment. In increasingly challenging economic conditions, budgets for HTA (Health Technology Assessment) may be subject to scrutiny or restrictions while the role of HTA in optimising the use of healthcare resources to maximise patient outcomes is more important than ever. This event will be a high quality scientific meeting to allow healthcare practitioners, researchers, policy makers, administrators, industry representatives, consumer organizations, consultancies and other stakeholders explore how best to maximise the value of HTA.

Contact: htai2010@hiqa.ie See also:
Call for Abstracts (deadline: 15/01/2010) and Parallel Panel Proposals (deadline: 15/11/2009)

Registration for ICT 2010 is open!

ICT 2010 Banner
Register now for early-bird fee!

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