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The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) is one of the foremost cancer research centres in Europe. To attract the best scientific talent, train junior scientists and support scientists in acquiring fellowships, the CNIO has established a Training Office.
To expand its activities in this area, the CNIO invites applications for an Assistant Training Manager.
The position provides the opportunity of working in a very dynamic and international environment in one of the most innovative research centres in Spain.
Responsibilities of the Assistant Training Manager include the
• Identifying information on fellowship calls for researchers in training and assisting with the preparation and submission of applications
• Helping to organise the Centre's training programmes for junior scientists such as its International Programmes for undergraduate students, PhD students and postdocs, including providing information on the CNIO and its training programmes as well as assisting with the management of applicants (handling of applications, booking of travel, coordinating agendas and reimbursements)
• Managing active fellowships and grants
• Maintaining files and databases of personnel in training at the Centre as well as record keeping
• Organising the in house language classes
• The efficient day-to-day operations of the Training Office
The successful candidate should have
• very effective organisational skills, including the ability to gather, analyze and organise information skilfully and rapidly
• attention to detail and the ability to identify and resolve problems in a timely manner
• excellent interpersonal and communication skills combined with a high degree of self motivation and team orientation as well as an ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines
• a very good command of both Spanish and English (spoken and written)
• excellent computer skills and a thorough knowledge of standard computer programmes (Microsoft Office)
• prior experience with training programmes in an international context and a degree/experience in the Life Sciences is not required, but will be positively evaluated
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Applications – including a full CV (in English)and a letter of motivation (in English) – should be submitted through the CNIO's webpage: www.cnio.es
Please quote the reference ATM on all correspondence.
Job offer: http://www.cnio.es/es/empleo/ofertas-amp.asp?codigo=892
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