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Institución:ESS Bilbao
Contacto correo-e:sdjekic@essbilbao.com
The Bilbao Center for Accelerator Science and Technology is a large scale accelerator facility under construction in Spain. Its main headquarters have been inaugurated on 09.12.2009 at the University o the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) campus at Leioa, Biscay. The first machine of the future facility will be a high intensity Proton Linear Accelerator. The first part of such a proton LINAC will be BLISI – Basque Light Ion Source Injector, that is to be completed within two years.
The BLISI research group is responsible for the design and construction of the Ion Injector. It will be used for proton injection into the RFQ (radio frequency quadrupole),
which constitutes the first bunching and acceleration segment of the LINAC complex.
After finishing the engineering design and manufacturing in 2010, we are planning to do assembling and commissioning of the BLISI during 2011. Its regular operation is planned for 2012.
We are looking for two PhD students to develop activities within the physics of ion sources and low-energy beam transport of charged beams. Suitable candidates will adquire enough competence to run and maintain the complete ion injector as well as to start developing a career in accelerator physics.
The sought candidates should be able to carry out work within a truly international environment as well as to perform placement work at selected large-scales facilities
Información complementaria de la oferta:
For more detailed information about the research project and the application please
contact Dr. Slobodan Djekic, sdjekic@essbilbao.com
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