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Institución:CBM Severo Ochoa (Madrid, Spain)
Contacto correo-e:amorreale@cbm.uam.es
The Bioinformatics Unit at the "Centro de Biología Molecular – Severo Ochoa" located in the campus of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain, is looking for an immunologist with good biostatistics background to enroll in a 3 years project devoted to the study of the T-Cell activation, founded by the 7th framework programme.
The successful candidate will be in charge of gathering, organizing into an integrated database and analyzing different kinds of experimental data, including transcriptomics, proteomics, phospoproteomics, biochemical and imaging data.
This requires the design of a database to store experimental data and the development of web–based tools and interfaces to facilitate the access and information retrieval, which facilitates an integrated understanding of T-Cell activation. Database management, web implementation and help in the development of analysis software will be done by an informatician, working in close collaboration with the candidate and with the multidisciplinary staff of the Bioinformatics Unit.
The profile of the ideal candidate is a PhD with deep knowledge in T-Cell activation biology and experience in the analysis of expression data. Familiarity with the Linux environment, programming skills and database management will be also valuated.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Applications and further information request must be addressed to (before 19 May 2010):
Dr. Antonio Morreale
Unidad de Bioinformática
Centro de Biología Molecular "Severo Ochoa"
C/ Nicolás Cabrera 1
Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid
e-mail: amorreale@cbm.uam.es
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