Latest News
- Digital Agenda: European Commission announces €780 million boost for strategic ICT research
(28 September 2010) The European Commission has today announced one of the biggest calls ever for information and communications technology (ICT) research proposals under the EU's research framework programmes. The announcement was made at Europe's largest event for ICT research and innovation, ICT 2010-Digitally Driven. It will result in project funding of € 780 million in 2011. This funding will advance research on the future internet, robotics, smart and embedded systems, photonics, ICT for energy efficiency, health and well-being in an ageing society, and more. Under the Digital Agenda for Europe, the Commission has committed to maintaining the pace of a 20% yearly increase of the annual ICT R&D budget at least until 2013.
- ePractice workshop on Digital Literacy
12 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium
This workshop aims to encourage good practice sharing in the area of Digital competences of intermediaries and social actors working in the field of economic, social and/or digital inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion such as the elderly, disabled, migrants, youth, unemployed and low educated people.
- ePractice workshop on Inclusive eGovernment
13 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium
This workshop aims to encourage the sharing of good practice in the area of Inclusive eGovernment. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: eGovernment policies targeted at groups at risk of exclusion; User segmentation in eGovernment services; Inclusive eGovernment in healthcare; Multichannel delivery services; eGovernment services: the 'value chain' dimension; Design, production, delivery, access and use of inclusive eGovernment services; "Inclusive by design" versus specific assistance - tailored services; Marketing, targeting and promotion of eGovernment services for specific disadvantaged groups.
- 7th ICT Call for proposals - Information day : ICT for Ageing and Wellbeing & ICT for smart and personalised inclusion
15 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium
This information day will offer the opportunity to share ideas and network with potential partners. Two parallel workshops are organised on the same day on call topics "Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP) Service & Social Robotics for Ageing Well" and PCP & Innovative services for patients and health professionals.
- Accessibility and the contribution of International Standards
3 November 2010 - 4 November 2010 Geneva, Switzerland
This workshop will address three key subject areas: accessibility in the field of everyday products; accessibility and buildings; eAccessibility and eInclusion in Information and Communication Technologies.
- ITU-EBU Joint Workshop on Accessibility to Broadcasting and IPTV access for all
23 November 2010 - 24 November 2010 ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland
The objective of this Workshop is to consider and explore how persons with hearing, sight or aging disabilities can consume the same broadcasting services (television, radio and Internet) as those without disabilities, to a reasonable extent. In cooperation with the ICT PSP project DTV4All, the Workshop will feature speakers from broadcasters, IPTV providers, manufacturers and user associations.
- Translational Issues in BCI Development: User Needs, Ethics, and Technology Transfer
2 December 2010 - 3 December 2010 Rome, Italy
The brain–computer interface (BCI) technology uses brain signals to directly drive external devices. Over the last decade, EEG-based BCIs have begun to provide basic communication and motor control abilities to people with severe motor disabilities, thus offering a unique opportunity to improve their quality of life. In spite of the remarkable advancement in computing capabilities (signal acquisition and processing, translation algorithms…), a large gap still exists between the promises of the neural engineering achievements and the clinical application reality in terms of BCIs as a daily use assisted device and as add-on intervention in the rehabilitation protocols. The goal of this workshop is to explore current and future scenarios in this field.
- CONFIDENCE 2010 International Conference - Open doors to ICT for Ageing and eInclusion
9 December 2010 - 10 December 2010 Jyväskylä, Finland
The events aims to disseminate current research and development activities carried out within the FP7 CONFIDENCE project as well as other projects under the European Union Framework Programmes, but is not limited to these. The conference also encourages the exchange of ideas and initiatives among participants in the fields of ICT and ageing, eInclusion, and AAL.
New in the Library
- Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme Brochure
20 September 2010
This publication presents some of the running projects under call 1 (2009) and call 2 (2010) of the Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programme.
- "Implementing eAccessibility as a service quality factor" - European Journal of ePractice n° 10
22 September 2010
The 10th edition of the ePractice Journal showcases the state of the art, presents examples of best practice and highlights the challenges of eAccessibility implementation in the Information Society. The ePractice Journal belongs to the ePractice.eu community, is sponsored by the European Commission as part of its good practice exchange activity and is run by an independent Editorial Board.
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