Latest News
- 17th Annual CyberPsychology and CyberTherapy Conference (CT17)
1 September 2012 Brussels, Belgium
The Virtual Reality Medical Institute (VRMI) in collaboration with Interactive Media Institute (IMI) will host the 17th Annual Conference (CT17) in Brussels, Belgium in September 2012. CT17 is the official conference of the International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, & Rehabilitation (iACToR). This event attracts psychologists, scientists, technical experts, researchers, industry leaders, policymakers, and funding agents from around the globe. Exact dates to be confirmed later.
Contact: office@vrphobia.eu
See also: International Association of CyberPsychology, Training, and Rehabilitation - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- European Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Therapies annual meeting
8 October 2010 - 10 October 2010 Milan, Italy
The aim is to strengthen personal LINKS between experts, professionals and students belonging to different countries and cultural roots, to show the reciprocal LINKS between theory and clinical practice, to extrapolate LINKS from interventions focused on specific disorders and the ones addressed in other similar or different disorders; to identify LINKS between the classical expression of our approach and its more recent innovative developments. The INTERSTRESS project, funded under the ICT programme FP7 will participate through Dr. Giuseppe Riva, Istituto Auxologico.
Contact: b@vrphobia.eu
- ICT for Health - Call 7 - Infodays
21 October 2010 Brussels, Belgium
Several information session days are organised to provide inputs on the 7th call for proposals (WP2011 Challenge 5) in the domain of ICT for Health.
Contact: ehealth@ec.europa.eu
- Celebrating simple solutions to improve health and well- being in Cities
(1 October 2010) Do you have an innovative idea to improve people's health and well-being in cities? Then enter the Livable Cities Award and turn your idea into reality! Submission deadline: 28/10/2010.
See also: About the Award
- ICT Research: European Commission and Brazil devote €10 million to cooperation in ICT research & development
(29 September 2010) The European Commission and the Brazilian Government have stepped up their cooperation on research and development in information and communication technologies (ICTs). A €10 million coordinated call for proposals will allow researchers and industries in the EU and Brazil to exchange their R&D strengths in key technological areas such as Future Internet experimental facilities and security, microelectronics and micro-systems, networked monitoring and control, and e-Infrastructures. The EU and Brazil are each contributing €5 million, which will be used to fund five pairs of interlinked projects. The closing date for submission of proposals is 18 January 2011.
- Digital Agenda: European Commission announces €780 million boost for strategic ICT research
(28 September 2010) The European Commission has today announced one of the biggest calls ever for information and communications technology (ICT) research proposals under the EU's research framework programmes. The announcement was made at Europe's largest event for ICT research and innovation, ICT 2010-Digitally Driven. It will result in project funding of € 780 million in 2011. This funding will advance research on the future internet, robotics, smart and embedded systems, photonics, ICT for energy efficiency, health and well-being in an ageing society, and more. Under the Digital Agenda for Europe, the Commission has committed to maintaining the pace of a 20% yearly increase of the annual ICT R&D budget at least until 2013.
- ICT research: Brussels showcase for intelligent robots, green homes, virtual reality and much more
(27 September 2010) More than 100 groundbreaking information and communication technology (ICT) research projects funded by the EU are being showcased at the "ICT 2010-Digitally Driven" conference and exhibition in Brussels Expo from 27 to 29 September. The event, organised every two years by the European Commission and this year hosted by the Belgian Presidency of the EU's Council of Ministers, brings together researchers, businesses and policy makers to show the latest ICT advances. Major themes this year are research for sustainable growth in a low-carbon economy, ICTs' constructive impact on everyday life and the importance of public funding and support in ICT research and innovation. Stepping up ICT research and innovation, a key objective of the Digital Agenda for Europe, will help increase Europe's productivity and growth, improve the quality of life and overcome social challenges.
- ICT 2010 press pack
(27 September 2010) ICT 2010 event, Brussels, 27-29 September - Online press pack
New in the Library
- The Smarter City - Healthcare
1 October 2010
Interaction between people, systems, etc. to better leave in Cities. Possible? Watch the videos to get in touch with the possible future.
- Monitoring National eHealth Strategies Study Workshop presentations
30 September 2010
The presentations done during the workshop are now available online on the eHealth Strategies dedicated website.
- OLDES in focus: an affordable and customizable e-Health system for older people
29 September 2010
This 'monthly focus' enlights a project that offers a new technological solution to improve the quality of life of older people, through the development of a very low cost and easy to use entertainment (teleaccompany) and health care (telemedicine) platform, designed to ease the life of the elderly in their homes.
Contact: marzia.bettocchi@comune.bologna.it
See also: OLDES project website - AUDIOVISUAL
- EuResist Network GEIE improves HIV treatment with more accurate patient modeling
9 February 2010
EuResist (EU ICT funded project) developed a drug interaction modeling tool that lets users predict the success rate and impact on virus evolution of various drug combinations via an online portal. Watch the video to learn more.
Contact: ehealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: EUResist project website
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