martes, 18 de octubre de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Research assistant position

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Research assistant position in the Research Unit for Intelligent Data Analysis and Graphical Models at the European Centre for Soft Computing

Reference: ECSC_Offer_2011_IDA_01
Type: Research Assistant
Research Unit: Intelligent Data Analysis and Graphical Models
Topic: Soft methods in probability and statistics
Description: The candidate will engage in basic research within the field of statistics with imprecise data or the field of copulas. Additionally, the candidate will collaborate in applied projects within the field of intelligent data analysis.
Required academic degree: Master (or Licenciado) in Mathematics, Statistics, or similar
 Good knowledge and interest in probability theory and statistics (preferrably also in copulas or statistics with imprecise data)
 Good programming skills, experience in data mining with R, preferrably basic Latex knowledge
 Fluent English (written and spoken)
 good inter-personal and analytic skills, ability to concisely formulate and pursue ideas
Salary: gross salary approximately 18k€

Información complementaria de la oferta:

Send: CV and Cover Letter to
Application period: 17.10.2011 – 04.12.2011

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