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(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
(Permitida la reproducción siempre que se cite la fuente de este Servicio).
Institución:Instituto de Investigaciones Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona
Contacto correo-e:molecular.oncology@vhir.org
Se busca un investigador(a) predoctoral altamente motivado/a para unirse al Grupo de Oncología Molecular del Instituto de Investigaciones Vall d'Hebrón, Barcelona (http://www.vhir.org/gr/nanomolecularoncology). El candidato/a realizará su tesis doctoral investigando los mecanismos moleculares responsables de la actividad supresora de tumores que se ha descrito recientemente para Myosina Ia (Mazzolini et al PNAS 2012;109:1530) así como para otras myosinas (MYO6 y MYO5B).
- Licenciatura en ciencias de la salud (biología, farmacia, bioquímica, veterinaria, etc).
- Estudios de grado más título de máster oficial con fecha posterior al 1 de enero de 2012.
- Expediente académico durante la carrera superior a 2,5.
- Experiencia con técnicas de biología molecular y celular, preferiblemente aplicadas al estudio de cáncer.
- Buenos conocimientos de inglés.
- Publicaciones previas en revistas científicas internacionales y estancias en centros de reconocido prestigio serán evaluadas positivamente.
- Un sueldo de unos 21,800 euros brutos anuales.
- Incorporación inmediata.
- Ambiente académico estimulante.
Los candidatos interesados pueden mandar copia de su curriculum vitae, una carta de presentación y el contacto de al menos dos referencias antes del 12 de septiembre de 2014 a molecular.oncology@vhir.org. Referencia PRED2014RI3.
PhD student position – molecular oncology - Barcelona
We are currently seeking a highly motivated PhD student to join the Group of Molecular Oncology at Vall d'Hebron Research Institute, (http://www.vhir.org/gr/nanomolecularoncology). The Vall d´Hebron Institute is a large multidisciplinary institution, with more than 260 active research projects and over 650 publications in 2012 in all fields of biomedical research. We are located in Barcelona, a large Mediterranean city in northern Spain with many cultural and entertainment possibilities. The successful candidate will work on the characterization of the molecular mechanisms responsible for the newly described tumor suppressor activity of MYO1A (Mazzolini et al PNAS 2012;109:1530), as well as other Myosins such as MYO6 and MYO5B.
- Contract for 2 years, with the possibility to extend it.
- Annual gross salary of 21,800€ per year.
- Stimulating scientific environment.
- Have a bachelor's degree with an average grade >2.5 (scale 1-4). Please, send a copy of your grade conversions using the appropriate table: http://bit.ly/1yo67zh or http://bit.ly/Uh7C2B.
- Have a Master's degree completed after January the 1st 2013.
- Be fluent in English language.
- Experience with molecular/cell biology techniques in the field of cancer biology.
Send a copy of your CV, a cover letter and the contact of two referees before the 12th of September 2014 to molecular.oncology@vhir.org. Reference PRED2014RI3.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Mazzolini R, Rodrigues P, Bazzocco S, Dopeso H, Ferreira AM, Mateo-Lozano S, Andretta E, Woerner SM, Alazzouzi H, Landolfi S, Hernandez-Losa J, Macaya I, Suzuki H, Cajal SR, Mooseker MS, Mariadason JM, Gebert J, Hofstra RM, Reventós J, Yamamoto H, Jr SS, Arango D. Brush border myosin Ia inactivation in gastric but not endometrial tumors. Int J Cancer. Int J Cancer. 2013 Apr 15;132(8):1790-9
Veronica Davalos, Lucia Suarez-Lopez, Julio Castano, Anthea Messent, Ibane Abasolo, Yolanda Fernandez, Angel Guerra-Moreno, Eloy Espin, Manel Armengol, Eva Musulen, Aurelio Ariza, Joan Sayos, Diego Arango and Simo Schwartz. hSMC, a Core Subunit of Human Condensin Complex, is a Novel Transcriptional Target of the Wnt Signaling Pathway and a New Therapeutic Target. J Biol Chem. 2012 Dec 21;287(52):43472-81
Arango D, Al-Obaidi S, Williams DS, Dopeso H, Mazzolini R, Corner G, Byun DS, Carr AA, Murone C, Tögel L, Zeps N, Aaltonen LA, Iacopetta B, Mariadason JM. Villin Expression Is Frequently Lost in Poorly Differentiated Colon Cancer. Am J Pathol. 2012 Apr;180(4):1509-21.
Mazzolini R, Dopeso H, Mateo-Lozano S, Chang W, Rodrigues P, Bazzocco S, Alazzouzi H, Landolfi S, Hernández-Losa J, Andretta E, Alhopuro P, Espín E, Armengol M, Tabernero J, Ramón Y Cajal S, Kloor M, Gebert J, Mariadason JM, Schwartz S Jr, Aaltonen LA, Mooseker MS, Arango D. Brush border Myosin Ia has tumor suppressor activity in the intestine. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jan 31;109(5):1530-5. Epub 2012 Jan 18.
Dopeso H, Mateo-Lozano S, Elez E, Landolfi S, Ramos Pascual FJ, Hernández-Losa J, Mazzolini R, Rodrigues P, Bazzocco S, Carreras MJ, Espín E, Armengol M, Wilson AJ, Mariadason JM, Ramon Y Cajal S, Tabernero J, Schwartz S Jr, Arango D. Aprataxin tumor levels predict response of colorectal cancer patients to irinotecan-based treatment. Clinical Cancer Research. 2010 Apr 15;16(8):2375-82.
Alhopuro P, Phichith D, Tuupanen S, Sammalkorpi H, Nybondas M, Saharinen J, Robinson JP, Yang Z, Chen LQ, Orntoft T, Mecklin JP, Järvinen H, Eng C, Moeslein G, Shibata D, Houlston RS, Lucassen A, Tomlinson IPM, Launonen V, Ristimäki A, Arango D, Karhu A, Sweeney HL, and Aaltonen LA. Unregulated smooth muscle myosin in human intestinal neoplasia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2008; 105(14):5513-8. Epub 2008 Apr 7.
Davalos v, Dopeso H, Velho S, Monteiro Ferreira A, Cirnes L, Díaz-Chico N, Bilbao C, Ramírez R, Rodríguez G, Falcón O, León L, Niessen R, Keller G, Dallenbach-Hellweg G, Espín E, Armengol M, Perucho M, Imai K, Yamamoto H, Gebert JF, Díaz-Chico JC, Hofstra RM, Woerner SM, Seruca R, Schwartz Jr. S, Arango D. High EPHB2 mutation rate in gastric but not endometrial tumors with microsatellite instability. Oncogene, 2007;26(2):308-11
Davalos V, Dopeso H, Castaño J, Wilson AJ, Vilardell F, Romero-Gimenez J, Espín E, Armengol M, Capella G, Mariadason JM, Aaltonen LA, Schwartz Jr. S, Arango D. EPHB4 and survival of colorectal cancer patients. Cancer Research, 2006; 66(18):8943-8948
Ropero S, Fraga MF, Ballestar E, Hamelin R, Yamamoto H, Arango D, Aaltonen LA, Schwartz S Jr, Esteller M. A truncating mutation of HDAC2 in human cancers confer resistance to histone deacetylase inhibition. Nature Genetics, 2006;38(5):566-9
Paroder V, Spencer SR, Paroder M, Arango D, Schwartz Jr S, Mariadason JM, Augenlicht LH, Eskandari S, and Carrasco N. Na+/monocarboxylate transport (SMCT) protein expression correlates with survival in colon cancer: Molecular characterization of SMCT. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2006 May 9;103(19):7270-5
Alazzouzi H, Davalos V, Kokko A, Domingo E, Woerner SM, Wilson AJ, Konrad L, Laiho P, Espín E, Armengol M, Imai K, Yamamoto H, Mariadason JM, Gebert JF, Aaltonen LA, Schwartz S Jr., Arango D. Mechanisms of inactivation of the receptor tyrosine kinase EPHB2 in colorectal tumors. Cancer Research, 2005; 65(22):10170-3
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