miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2014

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: ICCRAM-UBU "Juan de la Cierva" candidates

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Bolsas de empleo:

Institución:ICCRAM - UBU
Contacto correo-e:director.iccram@ubu.es
The International Research Center of research in Critical Raw Materials (ICCRAM) for advanced industrial technologies (University of Burgos) is looking for candidates for applying to the Juan de la Cierva grant call (in either "formación" or "incorporación" versions).
1) Job/Project description:
ICCRAM is a new Excellence International Center hosted at the University of Burgos which develops activities in the following areas: industrial technology, materials science, nanosafety, materials design, efficiency management, energy efficiency, ecoinnovation and critical raw materials substitution. In this call, ICCRAM is focusing its attention in materials by design, integrated computational engineering, genome materials initiative and simulation activities. Concretely:
– Applied design of new materials (advanced materials, nanotechnological materials, nanostructured materials and nano/biotechnology).
– Multiscale modelling of new nanostructured materials with applications in engineering.
– Design and Simulation of materials under extreme conditions.
– FEM, coarse grained and continuum approaches for modelling materials in particular applications of industrial relevance
– Integrated Computational Engineering
ICCRAM is seeking applicants with significant accomplishments in any area of computational materials science and engineering and who are committed to excellence in research in a multidisciplinary environment, with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills.
2) Requirements:
The applicant should hold a PhD in any of the following disciplines (or related): Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science, Physics or Chemistry.
Experience in molecular modelling of materials (MD, DFT, kMC or similar) and computer programming skills will be highly valuable.
Additional requisites for satisfying the call are:
- The PhD defence date must be included between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2014 for the "Juan de la Cierva – formación" version and between January 1, 2010 and December 31, 2012 for the "Juan de la Cierva – incorporación" version.
- Predoctoral formation must to be made at a different place than University of Burgos in the case of "Juan de la Cierva-formación". At least 12 months of postdoctoral formation outside University of Burgos in the case of "Juan de la Cierva – incorporación" are mandatory.
3) Description of the position:
The fellowship will be for a period of up to two years.
Salary: 21.500 € per annum ("Juan de la Cierva – formación") / 25.000 € per annum ("Juan de la Cierva – incorporación").
4) The application must include:
- Application letter including a statement of interests
- CV including details of research experience and list of publications
- Application should be send to director.iccram@ubu.es and/or robertosl@ubu.es before January 31, 2015

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Application should be send to director.iccram@ubu.es and/or robertosl@ubu.es before January 31, 2015

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