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Bolsas de empleo:
Institución:Technical University of Catalonia (UPC)
Contacto correo-e:pujol@oo.upc.edu
The Center for Sensors, Instruments and Systems Development (CD6) of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), is searching candidates for a Junior Postdoctoral Researcher position under the PDJ grant program of Catalan Research Agency (AGAUR). The center will submit an application according to the selected candidate.
The research subject is related to the tasks developed under the project VISION, awarded to CD6 by the company DAVALOR SALUD. The project will focus on the development of a new system for the diagnosis of the visual function and visual therapies.
Job description
The researcher will work at the Visual Biophotonics Research Group, which develops and applies experimental methods to evaluate key factors in human vision and develops new optical instrumentation. The candidate will be involved in the development of new methodologies for the automatic and objective evaluation of visual functions applicable to the diagnosis of visual dysfunctions and therapies development.
Contract: Full –time
Estimated starting date: The grant is estimated to start during the Summer 2015. According to the candidate skills and experience, CD6 may offer an immediate and equivalent position to start in the short term.
Duration: The grant lasts for 12 months with possible extension to 24. After this period, CD6 may offer a contract extension according to the candidate performance.
Required skills/qualifications
• Degree in Physics, Optics & Optometry Telecommunications Engineering or similar.
• PhD degree obtained after January 1st 2012.
• Fluent English.
• Additional skills on software development and statistics are not required but will be a plus.
• The relationship of the PhD thesis to the VISION project will be also considered but does not constitute a requirement.
Grant conditions
• Researchers who have obtained a doctorate after January 1st 2012. For special situations, please visit the website link provided below:
How to apply:
To apply for this position please send to Dr. Jaume Pujol (pujol@oo.upc.edu) the following documents:
• CV in English
• Motivation Letter in English
Deadline: January 7th 2015
Información complementaria de la oferta:
The CD6 is a technological innovation center located at the Campus of the UPC in Terrassa (near Barcelona, Spain), which operates in the field of Optical Engineering.
The CD6 is established in 1997 with the aim of fostering the R+D activities in the field of Optical Engineering and its activity is aimed at creating value through innovation. Applied research developed by CD6 is defined in order the new knowledge generated, reaches the market as new products or new processes.
Over 40 people with complementary expertise (Optics, Electronics, Mechanical and Software) work at CD6. This multidisciplinary combination is necessary to develop applications with a short time-to-market. The research results achieved at CD6 have led to the creation of several spin-off companies that manufacture and market news products in different sectors.
CD6 activity focuses on developing research and technology applications in the field of Optical Engineering. The center's researchers are working on four major areas of research:
• Optical design and simulation
• Metrology
• Visual Biophotonics
• Hyperspectral imaging
• Optical techniques for nondestructive testing (NDT)
Please, visit http://www.cd6.upc.edu for further information about the center.
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