jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: PhD Fellowship for Computational Studies Research

Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico

Institución:CIC energiGUNE
Contacto correo-e:info@cicenergigune.com
CIC energiGUNE is looking for a highly motivated candidate with a university degree on Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science or related areas to apply for a Basque Government PhD Grant. Check eligibility section.
The offer is aimed at students currently completing or who have already completed a master degree in related subjects: Materials Science, Physics, Chemistry or related topics.
Candidates must show initiative, independent thinking as well as capability to work in collaborative environments. He/she will be part of a multidisciplinary international research team. Good English level is highly recommended.

The position is subject to obtaining a Basque Government PhD Grant: http://www.hezkuntza.ejgv.euskadi.eus/
In order to be eligible the candidate must:
- Be resident in the Basque Country prior to 31st December 2016.
- Be fluent in Spanish or Basque language (for the interview process)
- Grade records (over 10) higher than: 7.5 in Engineering; .8.0 in Chemistry; 9.0 in Physics.

Note that those candidates not fulfilling all of the above criteria will be automatically discarded.

PhD project Description
Research Line: Computational Studies
Title: First-principles design of energy storage systems — when theory meets materials discovery
Supervisor: Dr. Javier Carrasco

Theme: The research project will be focused on the emerging area of computational materials design for energy storage applications.

Description: This project provides a unique opportunity to become skilled in theoretical materials modelling. You will be conducting exciting research into the functioning, design and control of battery materials at the molecular scale. The work will focus on using first-principles and semi-empirical approaches to address complex ion dynamics as well as developing novel strategies to analyse and mine existing large-scale materials data repositories. You will receive training in advanced molecular modelling techniques, including density functional theory and molecular dynamics, with particular interest in how to efficiently integrate such techniques into automated high-throughput frameworks for effective materials discovery. The work will be done in close collaboration with several theoretical and experimental groups worldwide. You will be working towards key societal goals such as the penetration of renewable energy sources in the electric grid, the electrification of transp
ortation, and delivering value for energy consumers.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
How to apply
To apply for a CIC energiGUNE grant please enter your CV and degree certificate record through our website http://www.cicenergigune.com/en/trabajar/
The selection process ends once a candidate is selected.
CIC Energigune is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

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