miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Research Associate -Intelligent Energy-

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Institución:Centre tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya
Contacto correo-e:rrhh@cttc.es
The candidate must hold a PhD in telecommunications, preferably with experience in these fields: energy-constrained systems, wireless sensor networks, distributed systems and distributed signal processing. Applicants should also have a solid background in information theory, cross-layer designs, and their applications in wireless energy-aware communication systems.


Applicants for Research Associate positions must hold a Ph.D. degree in telecommunications or electrical engineering, capacity of carrying out innovative research and strong publication record. Work experience in R&D institutions and involvement in national and/or international research projects (with emphasis in projects funded by the European Commission) is highly appreciated. Experience in the ellaboration of project proposals is a plus.


The position is permanent. The rank and salary, in the range 34,000 - 37,000 €/year (gross), will be determined according to qualifications and work experience.

Applications from physically challenged candidates will be specifically taken into account.

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Please, submit applications electronically to:


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