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(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Contacto correo-e:iherrero@renal-transplantation.com
The "Exp. Renal Transplantation Group is searching for applicants willing to participate in the IDIBELL Summer Trainning 2012 (+info: www.idibell.cat/estiu) Applicants will have to:
1‐ Be students of the last course of a biomedical bachelor's program
2‐ Have an academic record equal or superior to 2
Applicants please contact to I. Herrero-Fresneda, PhD at iherrero@idibell.cat
and send
a- Curriculum vitae and official academic record of the passed credits
b- Motivation letter (maximum 200 words, either in English, Spanish or Catalan)
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Extended Deadline June 1, 2012
Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:
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