lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Postdoc offer

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Institución:UAB, Spain
Postdoctoral offer in Comparative Genomics

I am looking for a highly motivated candidate that can apply for a postdoctoral fellowship within the programme "Postdoctoral Junior Grants 2014" opened by the Spanish national program (MINECO, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad), opening February 2014. For more information see:

The aim of the project is to study the genomic structure of evolutionary genomic regions in different mammalian species. Interest in evolutionary biology, molecular biology and cell biology is required. Applicants should have a PhD in a relevant area (evolutionary biology, genomics, genetics and cell biology). I am seeking for someone with a vivid interest in evolution research and a strong background in population genetics/ statistical genetics.

- PhD degree obtained after September 2009.
- Competitve publication record.
- Skills in bioinformatics and/or programming.

What we offer:
- Two years contract.
- The total annual amount stipend will be €25,000 gross.

Our group works in the fields of comparative genomics, evolution and chromosomal instability and, in particular, we are interested in the mechanisms that are driving genome evolution and architecture in mammals. For further information please see our webpage (

The Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) is located close to the city of Barcelona and is one of the major public universities in Spain. The UAB is internationally acknowledged for its quality and innovation in research. It coordinates a potent scientific and technological centre, which comprises all the departments, science and technology services, research centres, institutes and university hospitals affiliated with the UAB.

Complete application packages, including a CV, a brief (1-page) statement of research interests, and the names and e-mail addresses of two referees should be sent to Dr. Aurora Ruiz-Herrera (

Application deadline: 6 February 2014.

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