Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico
Institución:Universidad de Cantabria-IDIVAL
Contacto correo-e:fanarrag@unican.es
We seek for a postdoctoral scientist with excellent English level (essential requirement) coming from any BIO field to perform "out-of-the-lab" science (info retrieval, result compilation, paper-project writing, paper figure editing, etc.). Report/manuscript witting experience is indispensable. This is not a traditional scientific offer. The aim of this position is to get help in project/manuscript writing and editing. The salary will be variable and will depend on production/writing success. Conditions will be discussed on demand.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
The Nanomedicine-IDIVAL lab is located at the University of Cantabria, in Santander (Spain), a great place to live, in the norther Spanish coast, close to Bilbao. More info @ http://mlfanarraga.wixsite.com/grupo-nanomedicina.
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