martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

e-Inclusion Newsletter - 09/11/2010

9 November 2010

Latest News

Workshop: Making a profit from Technology - Impact assessment for the ageing population - 17 November, London

(2 November 2010) Against the backdrop of the ageing population in Europe, experience with assisted and independent living or active ageing technology and services is growing, business interest in the silver economy is rising rapidly and case studies show significant potential cost savings. However, the evidence of quality of life improvement, new business, and cost effectiveness is still too patchy, fragmented and insufficiently comparable. More convincing business models and strategies are also needed for assistive and independent living technologies to become main stream. This workshop, hosted by the London School of Economics (registration fee of 120 euro applies), will address the current state of relevant technologies, products and services in the field of assisted and independent living in Europe and investigate the key elements (with a focus on better impact assessments) needed for large scale uptake of innovative solutions for the benefit and welfare of the citizens, to increase efficiency of care systems and to create new markets for industry.

See also: Registration to the workshop

Call for Papers IST-Africa 2011 - Deadline 30 November

(3 November 2010) Hosted by the Government of Botswana through the Department of Research, Science and Technology, supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission and Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE, IST-Africa 2011 will take place in Gaborone, 04 – 06 May 2011. Part of the IST-Africa Initiative, which is supported by the European Commission under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7), IST-Africa 2011 is the sixth in an Annual Conference Series which brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government & research organisations across Africa and from Europe, to bridge the Digital Divide by sharing knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and good practice and discussing policy related issues. IST-Africa 2011 is focused on applied ICT and the core thematic areas include: eHealth; eInfrastructures; Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills; Digital Libraries and Intelligent Content; Living Labs; Open Source Software; ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility; ICT for Environmental Sustainability; RFID and Networked Enterprise; Cloud Computing; eGovernment & eDemocracy; Networked Media; Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation; IPv6.

See also: Flyer Call for Papers (.pdf)

HIMSS Europe Award for eHealth Leadership 2011

(8 November 2010) HIMSS Europe has launched the nomination for the HIMSS Europe Award for eHealth Leadership, which recognises an individual who, in the judgment of the HIMSS Europe Governing Council, has demonstrated significant leadership in promoting the use of information technology in healthcare in Europe. The Award will be presented at the WoHIT during the eHealth week 2011, taking place in Budapest, Hungary on the 10 – 13 May, 2011. Deadline for submission is Monday 20 December 2010.

The AAL Open Association's manifesto

(8 November 2010) An AAL Open Association has been formed. Its mission is to provide a shared open framework for developers, technology and service providers, research institutions, and end user representatives to discuss, design, develop, evaluate, and standardize a common service platform in the field of Ambient Assisted Living. Everyone is invited to join the association and to participate in its activities.

SciTech Europe 2010

23 November 2010 Brussels, Belgium

The European Commission recently presented the "Innovation Union", setting out a strategic approach to innovation, driven by the highest political level. The Innovation Union will focus Europe's efforts – and co-operation with third countries - on challenges like climate change, energy and food security, health and an ageing population. It will use public sector intervention to stimulate the private sector and to remove bottlenecks which stop ideas reaching the market. These include lack of finance, fragmented research systems and markets, under-use of public procurement for innovation and slow standard setting. The Innovation Union is a "flagship" in the Europe 2020 Strategy. This event aims to promote breakthrough research, successful innovation networks and potential investment opportunities. It will bring together some of the leading figures in science, engineering and technology across Europe for a high level meeting on how we can turn science into commerce.

Cognitive Support Technology For Older People

15 December 2010 London, United Kingdom

Whilst many older people have no substantial health problems, the majority tend to have mild but progressive deterioration in their cognitive abilities. However, a growing body of scientific research indicates that cognitive training and stimulating activities can maintain cognitive function in older people for a longer period of time, helping them remain cognitively healthy. In this one-day workshop, the state of the art in cognitive support technology for older people will be explored. There will be discussions on how technology can help the elderly to preserve their quality of life, describing work which several research groups have done and are doing in the area of cognitive training and assisting technologies and outlining some of the challenges that lie ahead. The goal is to share best practice and to generate new conceptual frameworks for how to advance, promote and spread assisting technology research for older people.

eGovernment conference "Lift-off towards Open Government"

15 December 2010 - 16 December 2010 Brussels

The Belgian Presidency is hosting a Conference in Brussels under the title "Lift-off towards Open Government". The main theme of this conference will be about "Open Government", emphasizing the implementation of cross-border interoperability in practice. Topics and themes like the presentation of a number of large international projects (STORK, SPOCS, PEPPOL, epSOS), the eGovernment Action Plan 2011-2015 or Europe 2020 – The Digital Agenda will feature in the conference programme.

New in the Library

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda , How to race online with no one left behind

Microsoft Government Leaders Forum, London, 4 November 2010

European researchers have developped a new shoe aimed at helping elderly people walk more safely

8 November 2010

Fiorella Marcellini is a coordinator at Smiling (Self Mobility Improvement in the eLderly by counteractING), a European Union research project: "In 2008, there were some 84 million elderly people in the European Union. A third of them face the risk of falling. That's around 28 million people. Falls are a huge, dangerous risk for millions of people." "Elderly people who have suffered a fall don't just lose their balance at a given moment," she says. "There's often a cause or an aftermath. Many of them also lose the ability to walk safely, they are no longer able to link motor, physical movements with impulses coming from the brain. So they need training. And the best way to do this is to provide them with an unstable environment". And that is precisely the aim of this strange pair of shoes recently developed by European researchers.

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