
Latest News
- IST-Africa 2011
4 May 2011 - 6 May 2011 Gaborone, Botswana
IST-Africa 2011 will focus on the Role of ICT for Africa's Development and specifically on Applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges, which is part of the European Commission's Information Communications Technologies (ICT) Theme of FP7. The Conference Programme combines strategic keynote presentations, technical and policy papers, case studies, workshops, an exhibition and social activities. IST-Africa directly supports the goals of the Africa-EU Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space, the African Ministerial Council on Science and Technology (AMCOST) and the Consolidated Plan of Action for the African Regional Action Plan on the Knowledge Economy (ARAPKE). In the context of focusing on the Role of ICT for Africa's Development, the Opening Plenary on Wednesday 04 May will feature a high level dialogue on Implementation of the Africa-EU Partnership on Science, Information Society and Space. The Closing Plenary on Friday 06 May will focus on Initiatives Supporting Development of Regional S&T.
- SciTech Europe 2010
23 November 2010 Brussels, Belgium
The European Commission recently presented the "Innovation Union", setting out a strategic approach to innovation, driven by the highest political level. The Innovation Union will focus Europe's efforts – and co-operation with third countries - on challenges like climate change, energy and food security, health and an ageing population. It will use public sector intervention to stimulate the private sector and to remove bottlenecks which stop ideas reaching the market. These include lack of finance, fragmented research systems and markets, under-use of public procurement for innovation and slow standard setting. The Innovation Union is a "flagship" in the Europe 2020 Strategy. This event aims to promote breakthrough research, successful innovation networks and potential investment opportunities. It will bring together some of the leading figures in science, engineering and technology across Europe for a high level meeting on how we can turn science into commerce.
- 4th International Computers, Privacy & Data Protection Conference - European Data Protection: In Good Health?
25 January 2011 - 27 January 2011 Brussels, Belgium
This conference offers a forum for academics, practitioners, policy-makers and civil society where they can meet, exchange ideas and discuss emerging issues of information technology, privacy, data protection and law. Specific sessions will be dedicated to the issues of e-health, surveillance and law-enforcement, privacy in on-line service models and data breaches notifications. A call for papers has been launched (deadline : 16 November 2010)
- Cognitive Support Technology For Older People
15 December 2010 London, United Kingdom
Whilst many older people have no substantial health problems, the majority tend to have mild but progressive deterioration in their cognitive abilities. However, a growing body of scientific research indicates that cognitive training and stimulating activities can maintain cognitive function in older people for a longer period of time, helping them remain cognitively healthy. In this one-day workshop, the state of the art in cognitive support technology for older people will be explored. There will be discussions on how technology can help the elderly to preserve their quality of life, describing work which several research groups have done and are doing in the area of cognitive training and assisting technologies and outlining some of the challenges that lie ahead. The goal is to share best practice and to generate new conceptual frameworks for how to advance, promote and spread assisting technology research for older people.
- Third International Conference on Alternatives for Developmental Neurotoxicity Testing (DNT)
10 May 2011 - 13 May 2011 Varese, Centro Congressi Ville Ponti (Italy)
Developmental Toxicity is an issue of growing concern in the context of chemical exposure. The developing human nervous system is susceptible to toxicants, and exposure during development may cause lasting neurological deficits. This conference will bring together diverse stakeholders from around the globe (research scientists, regulators, industry representatives, academics, paediatricians etc.)
Contact: DNT3 Conference
See also: DNT3 Conference web site - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- Open hearing "Accelerating e-Procurement: what role for the EU?"
25 November 2010 Brussels, Belgium
The European Commission organises this public hearing on the use of e-procurement. The conference will bring together all those interested in using the possibilities offered by ICT to re-model procurement processes with a view to driving efficiency gains in public procurement. The hearing will be an opportunity to discuss the ideas in the Commission's Green Paper whilst the public consultation is still ongoing. Interested parties can submit views and reactions in response to the Green Paper until 31 January 2011.
- Digital Hospital Europe
29 November 2010 - 30 November 2010 Vienna, Austria
With healthcare costs continuing to rise and with more and more operations becoming reliant on self- sufficient IT Programs, there has never been a more critical time for healthcare providers to employ IT that will lower costs, improve efficiency, and enhance patient care. Digital Hospital Europe will provide leading CIOs and CTOs from top healthcare organizations with the platform needed to solve their key business challenges.
Contact: georges.demoor@ugent.be
- Tele-rehabilitation in Tuscany: Experience and Prospective
25 November 2010 Firenze, Italy
Within the European project CLEAR (Clinical Leading Environment for the Assessment and validation of Rehabilitation Protocols in home care), the Tuscany Region and the Azienda USL 11 Empoli partners have developed a platform for the delivery of tele-services. Through this type of service, patients can be treated in their environment of life under remote surveillance of healthcare personnel, through computer systems communication. A workshop will be held in order to carry out a broad comparison of the possibilities for improving and developing services of tele-rehabilitation in Tuscany.
Contact: For more information on the workshop
- Workshop on ICT & Ageing: Announcing the European Initiative for an AAL Platform
16 November 2010 Passau, Germany
When the topic "AAL" comes up, everybody thinks first of fascinating technology that is unobtrusively integrated in "smart home environments" and supports people in their daily lives. This thinking is surely driven by the ongoing development of impressive services that was and is still provided by the AAL research community as well as the growing number of companies that bring this technology to market. In many projects - like MonAMI - that deal with the integration of such mainstreaming services and sensor systems into a common architecture, it quickly became clear that a very important aspect was not sufficiently considered: The need of a common platform for AAL systems. In the series of lectures "Platforms for AAL applications", this issue will be addressed. Many highly qualified experts dealing with the standardization of AAL platforms for many years, will present their experiences and answer questions to topics like "Why platforms are important to AAL", "What features should be in an AAL platform" and "Why mainstream and open source solutions are important in AAL".
See also: MonAmi project
- Tensions between Intellectual Property Rights and the ICT standardisation process: reasons and remedies
22 November 2010 Brussels, Belgium
Key ICT standards are perceived by many as critical technology platforms with a strong public interest dimension. However, concerns are voiced that Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and their exclusivity potential, may hinder or prevent standardisation. The European Commission and the European Patent Office (EPO) are organising a conference to address some specific issues on patents and ICT standards: are today's IPR features still compatible with fast moving markets and the very complex requirements of ICT standardisation in a global knowledge economy environment? Where are problems that we can we fix?
- Crossing boundaries in eHealth: the CALLIOPE think-tank and collaborative platform
16 November 2010 European Parliament, Brussels
The CALLIOPE Thematic Network, hosted by Milan Cabrnoch - MEP, will hold its closing conference, at the European Parliament, for celebrating 3 years of stakeholder engagement on eHealth Interoperability. This event will feature the CALLIOPE proposal for a European eHealth Interoperability Roadmap towards Sustainable Health. The "eHealth Governance Initiative" in charge of following-up the Council Conclusion on eHealth of 1st December 2009 will take this roadmap over and will be invited for joint reflections on those achievements. Please register via the CALLIOPE website.
Contact: marc.lange@ehtel.org
See also: eHealth Governance Initiative - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- EHTEL 2010 Symposium - eHealth in Europe's Regions: Acting for Citizens' Health
22 November 2010 - 23 November 2010 Brussels, Belgium
The Symposium is being jointly organized EHTEL, the Assembly of European Regions (AER) and the European Regional and Local Health Authorities (EUREGHA) and is hosted by the Committee of Regions (CoR). This event will address the question what eHealth can do for supporting Regional health policies and, vice versa, what can the Region do for deploying eHealth services.
Contact: marc.lange@ehtel.org
- Call for Papers IST-Africa 2011 - Deadline 30 November
(3 November 2010) Hosted by the Government of Botswana through the Department of Research, Science and Technology, supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission and Technical Co-Sponsored by IEEE, IST-Africa 2011 will take place in Gaborone, 04 – 06 May 2011. Part of the IST-Africa Initiative, which is supported by the European Commission under the ICT Theme of Framework Programme 7 (FP7), IST-Africa 2011 is the sixth in an Annual Conference Series which brings together senior representatives from leading commercial, government & research organisations across Africa and from Europe, to bridge the Digital Divide by sharing knowledge, experience, lessons learnt and good practice and discussing policy related issues. IST-Africa 2011 is focused on applied ICT and the core thematic areas include: eHealth; eInfrastructures; Technology Enhanced Learning and ICT Skills; Digital Libraries and Intelligent Content; Living Labs; Open Source Software; ICT for eInclusion and eAccessibility; ICT for Environmental Sustainability; RFID and Networked Enterprise; Cloud Computing; eGovernment & eDemocracy; Networked Media; Transformation of Research Results into Local Innovation; IPv6.
See also: Flyer Call for Papers (.pdf)
- Digital Agenda: 10 successful years for GÉANT EU-funded high speed research network
(29 October 2010) The European Commission is marking the tenth anniversary of GÉANT, the EU-funded high-speed research network. GÉANT has made it possible for scientists both across Europe and globally to work together in real time on ground-breaking research. It gives 40 million researchers in 40 European countries access to the processing power essential to share massive volumes of data needed to study for example the smallest known particles with the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland or to tackle global challenges like finding a cure for epilepsy or setting up early warning systems for typhoons. With fast evolving technology, services and capacity, GÉANT remains the most advanced research network in the world. The Commission, as part of the Digital Agenda for Europe, is committed to supporting and developing information and communications technology (ICT)-based infrastructures like GÉANT so that vast amounts of digital information can be harnessed to benefit both our economies and society as a whole.
- Eurobarometer survey: EU citizens' awareness and perceptions about EU Regional policy
(18 October 2010) A major Europe-wide survey has revealed that two out of three citizens are not aware of any projects that the EU co-finances in their area. However, awareness is higher in those countries that receive the most money from EU.
- Heidi - Health in Europe: Information and Data Interface
(21 October 2010) HEIDI is a comprehensive search tool for European health information and data. It contains information about health status, determinants, diseases, health systems, trends, institutional and policy aspects - and much more. Heidi wiki can be browsed by everyone with internet access. Whether you want to know more about rare diseases or learn about the cancer burden in Europe, Heidi can help you!
New in the Library
- European Commission planning to give patients secure access to digital health records by 2015
25 October 2010
The European Commission's Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) is a flagship initiative of the EU 2020 strategy, which focuses on sustainable growth through ICT. eHealth is a key part of it, said Flora Girogio of the EC's ICT for Health unit, speaking at the Global eHealth Forum in Hamburg (25/10/2010). The DAE will develop the necessary infrastructure.
See also: GoDirect: ICT for Health
- Action 91: Member States to agree a common list of key cross-border public services
24 October 2010
Agree by 2011 on a common list of key cross-border public services that correspond to well defined needs – enabling entrepreneurs to set up and run a business anywhere in Europe independently of their original location, and allowing citizens to study, work, reside and retire anywhere in the European Union. These key services should be available online by 2015.
Contact: mechthild.rohen@ec.europa.eu
- El reto de la telemedicina en Europa
1 July 2010
Este número especial tiene como finalidad ayudarle a analizar el desarrollo de la telemedicina en sus diferentes aspectos, en entornos diferentes. Es un conjunto de testimonios y análisis llevados a cabo por responsables políticos e industriales, por pacientes y representantes de los profesionales sanitarios, lo que nos parece el mejor modo de transmitir mensajes breves y comprensibles por todos los públicos. De igual modo, tiene como finalidad enunciar los problemas que siguen frenando el desarrollo de la telemedicina y trazar ciertas pinceladas sobre lo que será la telemedicina del mañana.
Contact: ehealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: Telemedicina en Europa (en Ingles) - POLICY AND LEGISLATION
- Le défi de la Telemedecine en Europe
1 July 2010
Ce numéro spécial a pour but de vous aider à faire le point sur le développement de la télémédecine sous ses formes diverses, dans des environnements différents. C'est un ensemble de témoignages et d'analyses par des décideurs politiques et industriels, par des patients et des représentants des professionnels de la santé qui nous semble être le plus à même de véhiculer des messages brefs et compréhensibles par tous les publics. Il a également pour objectif d'expliciter les problèmes qui freinent encore le développement de la télémédecine et d'esquisser en quelques traits ce que sera la médecine de demain.
Contact: ehealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: La Télémédecine en Europe (en anglais)
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