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Institución:Multisensory Research Group - UPF
Contacto correo-e:aurelio.ruiz@upf.edu
We seek a person who leads the setting up of the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) research lab, including the development of independent scientific studies. Involvement in some organizational and management aspects is also expected. The candidate MUST (1) have demonstrable experience producing scientific research using TMS, as well as operating the system, (2) strong background in cognitive neuroscience, neuroscience, and/or cognitive psychology, and (3) scientific motivation about the questions being addressed in the project (multisensory integration, attention). Programming skills, and experience with other research techniques will be valued.
The position will be funded and renewable on yearly basis for up to three years. Starting date: April 2011or later. Salary: Commensurate with experience.
Applications should include: A C.V. including a list of publications; The names of two referees who would willing to write letters of recommendation; A cover letter describing research interests
For informal enquiries about the position and applications, please contact Salvador Soto-Faraco at
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