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Institución:Universitat de Barcelona
Contacto correo-e:fpeiro@el.ub.es
The University of Barcelona offers a postdoctoral
position in the frame of the Spanish Programs:
Juan de la Cierva (recent phD), 3 years contract
Ramon y Cajal (senior) , 5 years contract
The details of the call are available at:
(LIA for Human resources)
POSITION:The applicant will be incorporated in the
Laboratory of Electron Nanoscopies (LENS,
www.lens.el.ub.es), within the research group of
Micronanotechnology and Nanoscopy for
Electrophotonic Devices (MIND) of the Electronics
Department of the University of Barcelona, working
in close collaboration with specialized technicians of
the UB TEM facilities. The specific research activities
will be defined according to the field of expertise of the candidate and our current research
projects (including National and EU projects on Optoelectronics, Spintronics and Energy ).
REQUIREMENTS: The candidate should have a doctorate in materials science, physics,
chemistry, engineering or a related discipline and demonstrate previous experience in TEM and
Electron Diffraction. Further knowledge of STEM- HAADF, STEM-EELS and /or Electron
Tomography will be also valuable.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Applications (letter of presentation, CV, copy of
passport, copy of PhD degree title as .pdf files) should be
addressed to:
francesca.peiro@ub.edu or sestrade@ub.edu
or by post to Dra. Francesca Peiró,
Electronics Department – University of Barcelona, c/Martí
Franqués 1, 08028 Barcelona
Para darse de baja OFER-TRABEC pinche y envíe:
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