Latest News
- ePIC 2011 - 9th International ePortfolio and Identity Conference
11 July 2011 - 13 July 2011 London, United Kingdom
An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. Should everybody have an ePortfolio? How do ePortfolios contribute to the identity construction process? How do ePortfolios support the acquisition of 21st century skills? How do ePortfolios support lifelong learning, orientation and employability? Why are ePortfolios mostly still non-interoperable? At this event, policy-makers, researchers, teachers, trainers, human resource managers and technologists will address these issues. ePortfolios in healthcare will be a major theme. A call for papers on this topic has been launched (deadline 31 March).
- Keynote Speakers at eHealth Week 2011 Call for Significant IT Investments in Health Systems of the Future
10 May 2011 - 12 May 2011 Budapest, Hungary
Keynote speakers at eHealth Week 2011 will emphasize on the role of technology in shaping up health systems of the future. They will discuss how to push information out into the 'eco-system': finding ways to move data from solely within the hospital out into the community, and from the GP's office, or even the home, to the electronic medical record. For the first time, the Ministerial Conference of Day 1 will be open to the World of Health IT delegates.
See also: Registration is open (Early bird until 1st April 2011) - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- EU-US cooperation on eHealth: ongoing and planned actions
14 April 2011 CCAB - 36, rue Froissart, Brussels
Following the signature on 17th December 2010 of the MoU between EU and US related to ICT for Health activities, the EC is organising a workshop on the EU-US cooperation on eHealth to present "ongoing and planned actions" together with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in the US. Several EU stakeholders will also participate. Registration is free but compulsory.
See also: Registration (number of seats is limited) - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- 'An EU of Opportunities' - workshop registration deadline 31/03
7 April 2011 conhIT Berlin
The workshop will present the eHealth activities at European level and programmes at the European Commission. It will also address how German hospitals, industry and research organizations can get involved in digitizing Europe's healthcare.
Contact: More information on the workshop
See also: Register before 31/03 (session free of charge but by invitation only) - NEWS ARTICLE
- Information events on the 4th Call for proposals of the AAL Joint Programme: "ICT based solutions for Advancement of Older Persons' Mobility".
(21 March 2011) A series of information days on Call 4 of the AAL Joint Programme is organised in the coming weeks in Brussels and in the Member States.
See also: Pre-announcement of the 4th call for proposals of the AAL JP
- Research on population ageing: Commission awards new EU legal status to cross-border databank
(21 March 2011) A major multi-national research databank on population ageing will be the first ever research infrastructure project to enjoy a new European legal status that will make such projects easier to set up and simpler to run, the European Commission decided today. The Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) will become the first European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC). This will give it many of the administrative advantages and tax exemptions enjoyed by major international organisations, with much simpler procedures. SHARE-ERIC is hosted by Tilburg University in the Netherlands, provides open and free of charge access to data, and aims to help researchers understand the impact of population ageing on European societies and thus to help policy makers make decisions on health, social and economic policy. Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany and the Netherlands, with Switzerland as an observer, are the founding members of the new European Research Infrastructure Consortium SHARE-ERIC. Denmark, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Sweden, Poland, Ireland, Estonia, Luxembourg, Hungary and Slovenia are the other EU countries (along with Israel) which have so far taken part in the SHARE project and may sign up later to the new legal status.
- Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council on the Pilot Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing
(11 March 2011) At its meeting of 9 and 10 March the EU Competitiveness Council endorsed the work undertaken so far in preparing the pilot European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on active and healthy ageing. In particular, the Council took "note of the Commission's progress in setting up a high level Steering Group (SG) (…), with a view to undertaking preparatory work for the pilot including, notably, drawing up recommendations for a Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP), in summer 2011." Additionally, the Council welcomed "the envisaged participation of representatives of Belgium, Spain, Hungary and Poland in the work of the SG with a view to contributing to this work from the Member States' perspective."
- Using voice to measure depression - OPTIMI project
(7 March 2011) Major depression affects about 4-8% percent of the general population, causing the loss of the ability to work, to have close relationships, and to have a fulfilling life. Available treatments, though effective, have only modest response rates and, most disturbingly, the question of predicting treatment response in the individual patient is not answerable for any of the currently available therapeutic approaches. A considerable number of patients suffer from recurrent episodes of depression so that the early detection of relapse is key for prevention and the development of effective longterm therapies. Learn more on research done on Speaking Behavior and Voice Sound Characteristics.
Contact: OPTIMI project contact
See also: Other projects in the Personal Health Systems domain
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