Latest News
- eHealth Week 2012 / WoHIT - Save €100 by registering before April 3rd!
2 April 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark
Meet the people who matter and make face-to-face connections! see a snapshot of already registered attendees: Top 4 Countries and top 4 Professionals.
See also: eHealth Week 2012 website
- eHealth projects present at EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing conference
3 April 2012 - 3 April 2012 Charlemagne bldg Brussels, Belgium
The exhibitors will offer "touch and feel" demonstrations to the visitors. Comme and see the Renewing Health project - REgioNs of Europe WorkINg toGether for HEALTH - Veneto pilot and the HeartCycle project - Compliance and effectiveness in HF and CHD closed-loop management.
See also: eHealth projects at the EC
- Exploring and Understanding Adverse Drug Reactions by Integrative Mining of Clinical Records and Biomedical Knowledge (EU-ADR project)
(26 March 2012) A number of recent highly publicized drug safety issues have shown that adverse drug reactions (ADRs) may be detected too late - when millions of patients have already been exposed. As a result, the EU-ADR funded project is working on the basis of the asumption that earlier detection is needed. Before launching a new drug onto the market, appropriate tests are conducted. However, adverse reactions may only be detected once the drug is more heavily used. EU-ADR proposes an alternative approach towards the detection of ADR signals with the objective of overcoming the limitations of spontaneous reporting databases and providing a solid basis for large-scale monitoring of drug safety.
Contact: ehealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: Other eHealth projects funded by the EU
New in the Library
- Key specifications for interoperability developed by the EU's Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administration (ISA) Programme to become W3C standards
30 March 2012
The European Commission has reached an agreement with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) on the sustainability of key specifications to facilitate interoperability, across borders and sectors, between public administrations in Europe and beyond.
- TBIcare - Evidence based diagnostic and treatment planning solution for traumatic brain injury
30 March 2012
In the past month several new publications by the project team have been accepted to journals and conferences, check the project's publications section for details.
Contact: mark.vangils@vtt.fi
See also: other EU funded eHealth projects - REPORTS AND STUDIES
- Wearable Devices for the Monitoring and Treatment of Chronic Diseases - Call for papers - DDL 27/07/2012
29 March 2012
Researchers are invited to submit research articles which address the new research and development of wearable devices, which can be used for the monitoring and treatment of patients suffering from chronic diseases. Of particular interest are papers which consider a set of sensors, algorithms for physiological signal processing, collection of environmental data, data fusion, detection and quantification of symptoms, decision support for the medical doctors, and communication of the patient with the doctor. All systems must be accompanied by a description of their validation and trials on patients in real conditions.
Contact: dkoutsou@biomed.ntua.gr
See also: Telemedicine in the EU - PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL
- eHealth Week 2012 optional sessions' offer - newsletter eHW12
29 March 2012
This year the eHealth Week offers several optional sessions with a wide range of topics that impact many aspects of healthcare information technology. Read the newsletter to find out more!
See also: eHealth Week 2012
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, eHealth – Accelerating Innovation
Conference with KPMG, Brussels, 29 March 2012
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