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Bolsas de empleo:
Institución:ICMAB-CSIC, Barcelona
Contacto correo-e:mmas@icmab.es
We offer a PhD position working within the framework of a European ERC StG project. The contract will be for 3 years, approximately starting date March 2016.
The candidate will be able to join to a pioneer, dynamic and active group from the Department of NanoScience and Organic Materials (NANOMOL, www.icmab.es/nanomol) that belongs to the Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC) located at the UAB (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) research park.
In particular, the research will be embedded in the fascinating scientific discipline of Molecular/Organic Electronics that aims to employ organic functional molecules as electronic components.
The fellow must hold a Bachelor degree preferably in Chemistry and hold a recognized Master degree (or equivalent) in Chemistry, Materials Science or Nanotechnology. Experience in electrochemical techniques and organic synthesis will be highly valued.
The successful candidate will work in an international environment and might travel to other European countries to develop the project. Also, the candidate will receive a strong multidisciplinary training and will work in a dynamic group.
Contact: Interested candidates should send a detailed CV including the academic record and a list of references with contact details by e-mail to Dr. Marta Mas-Torrent (mmas@icmab.es)
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Our research group has a broad expertise on the design, synthesis and characterization of novel organic electroactive systems that can behave as wires, switches or rectifiers in solution and also when they are immobilised on surfaces (see for instance, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, DOI: 10.1002/anie.20150844, Chem. Sci., 2013, 4, 307-310; Nature Chemistry 2011, 3, 359).
The main tasks that the candidate will have to carry out within the project include:
a) Preparation of hybrid materials such as self-assembled monolayers of functional molecules on conducting substrates.
b) Study of these functional materials using different surface characterization techniques.
c) Study of the switching or sensing capabilities of the materials by electrochemistry means.
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