martes, 19 de julio de 2016

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Senior Scientist Position

Boletín semanal de ofertas de empleo publico

Institución:IMDEA FOOD
IMDEA Food Institute is seeking a Senior Researcher of the highest international profile with at least 20 years of postdoctoral experience who wants to consolidate his scientific career at IMDEA Food Institute.

The candidate will join our research program on functional foods and effective nutritional strategies for prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. We specifically seek a scientist working on the area of molecular nutrition. The candidate will be expected to participate in ongoing projects in the areas of Personalized Nutrition or Precision Nutrition and Nutrigenomics and develop and maintain an independent and externally funded line of research that complements the current interest of the group

Qualifications required:
Possess a PhD in Life Sciences with at least 20 years of full time postdoctoral research experience.
Experience in high rank foreign (out of Spain) research institutions.
Experience required in Personalized Nutrition, Precision Nutrition and Nutrigenomics,
H-Index > 40.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Interested candidates should submit their applications before 17:00 p.m. (local time) on 3rd of August 2016.

Applications including curriculum vitae, request form (excel format), and cover letter should be submitted to indicating Ref. SR2016-001.

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