jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Laboratory technician, Solid-State NMR

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Bolsas de empleo:

Institución:CIC Energigune
Contacto correo-e:info@cicenergigune.com
CIC Energigune is a new energy research centre based in the Basque Country of Spain. Its mission is to play a leading role on the international stage in the field of energy storage technologies and contribute to the industrial competitiveness of Basque Country. CIC has a world-class research facility, cutting-edge equipments, an experienced management team, and a scientific committee composed of prominent scientists, entrepreneurs, and industrial experts.
We are inviting for application for a technician position for 3 years in the Solid-State NMR laboratory for 3 years grant.
Job function:
I. Conduct routine Solid-State NMR measurements including sample preparation and basic analysis of the experimental data.
II. Regular maintenance of the spectrometers and the platform.
III. To help collecting the needs of the different researchers at CIC and to keep the researchers updated with the evolution of their projects.

Qualification requirements:
I. We are looking for candidates preferably with a bachelor or Engineering degree in Chemistry or Physics.
II. Experience in research laboratories and NMR will be strongly considered. Experience in solid state NMR would be an advantage but is not a requirement.
III. Proficient verbal and written skills in English.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
All applicants are invited to submit a detailed curriculum vitae and 2 reference letters at www.cicenergigune.com.

The selection process ends once a candidate is selected.

CIC Energigune is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

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