Latest News
- Joint AAL Programme and ICT-PSP consultation meeting on ICT and Ageing, Brussels, 15-16 February 2010 - reminder
(5 January 2010)This Consultation meeting will bring together experts from all over Europe. Its objective is to provide strategic guidance for future research under the AAL Joint Programme and possible future topics for the ICT Policy Support Programme in the field of ICT & Ageing for 2011 and beyond. The outcome will be used as input for the preparation of future calls for proposals. Participants are invited to submit short presentations of ideas in advance (maximum 3 slides).
- new e-Accessibility community on ePractice.eu
(25 January 2010)The main objective of this community is to promote the interchange of expert knowledge and good practices, the organisation of specific events and workshops, and the development of networking in web accessibility and general e-accessibility. The main topics covered in this community are: policy context and status of web accessibility and e-accessibility in Europe, impact measurement methodologies and business case for web accessibility and e-accessibility, standards and reference specifications assessment, and technological solutions and trends. The community is open to practitioners from public and private organisations, government, academia, research centres, and user groups. We invite you to join this community and promote your case and share your documents and your views.
- Curriculum guidelines for Masters level programmes in Design for All
(26 January 2010)The curriculum guidelines for Masters in Design for All in ICT have been developed in the context of the DfA@eInclusion Coordination Action funded under FP6 to meet the demands of the ICT industry, user organizations and EU policy on eInclusion for a professionally qualified workforce. This workforce will be able to design and deliver accessible ICT systems and services, help to advance policies and contribute to the development of accessibility standards, and the development of new, innovative and fully inclusive ICTs. The aim of these curriculum guidelines in Design for All in ICT is to assist academics defining new courses, students who are looking for courses and employers who are looking to recruit qualified graduates who have a solid grounding in Design for All in ICT.
- Commission asks Bulgaria to apply EU rules making radio spectrum available for devices that help senior citizens - hearing aids and social alarms
(28 January 2010)The European Commission today started legal action against Bulgaria and called on it to make sure the technical requirements are in place for hearing aids, social alarms and emergency buttons at home, for old and disabled people. Bulgaria has not followed EU rules saying the 169 MHz frequency band should be made available to applications of social value and electronic services such as asset tracking and paging systems. EU rules aim at harmonising use of this radio spectrum band in the EU to facilitate the development and take-up of such applications. Bulgaria should have complied with the Commission Decision on this band by 1 January 2007 and to an update of these rules by 31 October 2008.
- New grant scheme available for online centres in the United Kingdom
(8 February 2010)In December, the Smarter Government report announced a £30m investment in digital inclusion for UK online centres to get one million people online for the end of 2012. The report recognised the potential to reduce the cost of public services and improve customer experience by moving the majority of provision online. It also acknowledged 100% online government had to mean 100% online citizens, and the money was pledged to UK online centres to help get one million people online over the next three years. The majority of the funding will go directly to grassroots providers in the form of grants, and the first of those grants are now available for application. The deadline for bids is noon on 10 February 2010, with projects funded by the grant due to run from 1 April 2010 until 31 March 2011.
- State aid: Commission processes record number of broadband projects following new Broadband Guidelines
(8 February 2010)A record number of Member State aid measures to support the installation of broadband networks have been approved by the European Commission in 2009 since the adoption by the Commission in September 2009 of Guidelines for the assessment of broadband projects under EU state aid rules. With a view to supporting economic recovery and the long term competitiveness of Europe, the guidelines provide an overview on how Member States can support broadband networks without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market and helped to accelerate the decision making process. Since September 2009, the Commission has endorsed almost €300 million of public funding to support the deployment of broadband networks thereby giving people and businesses better access to high and very high-speed internet and bringing Europe closer to its goal to build a knowledge-based society.
- 4th European eAccessibility Forum - eAccessibility of Public Services in Europe
12 April 2010 Paris, France
The conference will provide a unique opportunity to discuss the complementary aspects involved in making an accessible Information Society a reality in Europe. It will provide an opportunity to hear at first-hand about experiences from users with disabilities, public organisations and industry. The speakers are specialists involved in organisations representing users and consumers with disabilities, research organisations and companies operating at a European level or worldwide. The conference will also consider the harmonisation of good practices over Europe.
- Ethos International Conference /Sustainable Technologies Exhibition
12 May 2010 - 14 May 2010 São Paulo, Brazil
The Sustainable Technologies Exhibition has the objective of gathering and providing information and knowledge on the available sustainable technologies, in order to encourage their development, production and use by individuals as well as public and private organizations. "Sustainable technologies" include economically feasible methodologies, techniques, systems, equipment or processes that can be produced and applied to minimize negative and promote positive impacts on the environment, on people's quality of life and on a socio-environmentally sustainable development. Sustainable technologies with a high replication potential are brought together at the Sustainable Technologies Exhibition – an event organized by the Ethos Institute, Brazil, in parallel with the International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility. Categories for submission are: Inclusive Technologies, Responsible Technologies and Green Technologies Submissions close on February 12th.
New in the Library
- Study on e-Inclusion initiatives from private and non- profit European entities - final report
30 January 2010
The purpose of the study has been two-fold: To identify and analyse good e-Inclusion practices driven by non-profit and private organisations; To derive recommendations for those involved in promoting e-Inclusion, including the European Commission and other authorities.
- Europe 2020 – Public consultation – First overview of responses
2 February 2010
The Commission launched a public consultation on the EU 2020 strategy in November 2009, which closed on 15th January 2010. Around 1500 contributions have been received from a wide range of interested parties. A more detailed analysis of the contributions is due to be issued around mid-February. All contributions will be available soon on the consultation website.
See also: Consultation website
- The Lisbon strategy evaluation
2 February 2010
The Europe 2020 strategy will build on the successes and results obtained by the Lisbon strategy since its 2005 relaunch, which focused on growth and jobs, but also address some of its shortcomings. In this context, the Commission prepared an evaluation of the Lisbon strategy.
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