Latest News
- State aid: Commission processes record number of broadband projects following new Broadband Guidelines
(8 February 2010)A record number of Member State aid measures to support the installation of broadband networks have been approved by the European Commission in 2009 since the adoption by the Commission in September 2009 of Guidelines for the assessment of broadband projects under EU state aid rules. With a view to supporting economic recovery and the long term competitiveness of Europe, the guidelines provide an overview on how Member States can support broadband networks without unduly distorting competition in the Single Market and helped to accelerate the decision making process. Since September 2009, the Commission has endorsed almost EUR 300 million of public funding to support the deployment of broadband networks thereby giving people and businesses better access to high and very high-speed internet and bringing Europe closer to its goal to build a knowledge-based society.
- eTwinning: Online school partnerships celebrate their fifth anniversary
(5 February 2010)Nearly 500 teachers are meeting in Seville to celebrate the fifth anniversary of eTwinning, an action that creates online communities of teachers and schools across Europe. Through eTwinning, over 85 000 teachers from across Europe work together in international school activities involving more than 50 000 schools in 32 European countries. In the five years of its existence, eTwinning has grown from being a partner-finding tool for teachers to become a rich, Europe-wide community of teaching and learning. On 5 February, a prize ceremony is being held for 37 schools from 21 countries that are the top winners of this year's eTwinning Awards for excellence in eTwinning.
See also: eTwinning
- Telecoms: European Commission urges Lithuanian telecoms regulator to take action on the broadcasting licensing regime
(5 February 2010)The European Commission today has warned the Lithuanian national telecoms regulator, Rysiu reguliavimo tarnyba (RRT), that obliging terrestrial broadcasters to use specific suppliers to transmit their programmes constitutes a barrier to competition and prevents new terrestrial transmission service providers from entering the market. The Commission says that regulators no longer need to intervene in broadcasting markets in principal. However, RRT intends to continue regulating Lithuanian terrestrial broadcasting markets because of the exclusive market position that has been granted to transmission service providers Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras (LRTC) and TEO.
See also: EU Consultation procedures
- Telecoms: European Commission urges Latvian regulator to set lower fixed and mobile termination rates
(5 February 2010)The European Commission has asked the Latvian telecoms regulator, Sabiedrisko pakalpojumu regulesanas komisija (SPRK), to change the way it calculates fixed and mobile termination rates so that these fees can be lowered, making calls cheaper for consumers. Termination Rates are the wholesale prices which telecoms operators charge each other for connecting incoming calls to subscribers using their networks and are ultimately included in phone call prices. In May 2009, the Commission recommended an EU wide approach for calculating Termination Rates ( IP/09/710 ) but allowed telecoms regulators to calculate termination rates in other ways for a transitional period. These temporary calculation methods should be based on objective criteria and ensure that termination rates reflect the costs that an efficient operator incurs to provide such services. The Commission has also said that access and price control obligations should be imposed on all operators with significant market power to avoid potential competition problems.
See also: EU Consultation procedures
- Women in ICT: The Way Forward
7 March 2010 - 9 March 2010 Cyprus
This event will celebrate the International Women's Day. It will also comprise workshops targeting women willing to set up consortia and submit proposals for future calls as well as a session on eSkills.
- WCIT 2010
25 May 2010 - 27 May 2010 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Business leaders, public officials and opinion leaders will share and build a vision of a connected planet with access for all. ICT as an enabler for economic growth will be the main topic on the agenda for WCIT 2010. The conference is structured aroung 9 main tracks, including themes such as eGovernment, eHealth and eInclusion.
Contact: info@wcit2010.org
- Telehealth 2010 at CeBIT
2 March 2010 - 6 March 2010 Hannover, Germany
TeleHealth is CeBIT's exhibition platform for ehealth solutions. With its three part format - Conference, Expo and Networking - it serves as a political platform for the industry. Under the tagline "IT in Healthcare Delivery", TeleHealth 2010 will try to paint a vivid picture of the role of IT in healthcare - how it is being used now and in the future to improve efficiency and patient welfare and provide practical support for doctors and medical staff.
- International Conference on Early Disease Detection and Prevention (EDDP) 2010
25 February 2010 - 28 February 2010 Munich, Germany
The EDDP conference will focus on the early detection and prevention in Heart disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Renal diseases and how it relates to Health policy issues. The scientific programme features an international panel of speakers as well as a concurrent exhibition. It is expected to draw hundreds of participants from around the globe, including medical practitioners, scientists, investigators, opinion leaders, formulators of health policies and health managers.
Contact: eddp2010@paragon-conventions.com
- IWEEE 2010 - International Workshop on eHealth in Emerging Economies
10 February 2010 - 12 February 2010 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
IWEEE 2010 brings together a multi-disciplinary team representing NGOs, Academia, Government, Church and Industry to share their experiences and to try to find ways to improve the lives of millions of human beings from the developing world. IWEEE is not a pure technical conference. It will focus on the human factor and in raising awareness about the actual situation. It will discuss the tools that can be provided today to doctors and institutions to improve their habitants' health and education.
Contact: info@iweee.org
- 8th Eastern European eGov Days: Changing Concepts & eGovernment as a Service
21 April 2010 - 23 April 2010 Prague, Czech Republic
The annual Eastern European eGov Days have become a recognised platform for dialog and knowledge transfer between Western and Eastern European countries. The event brings together about 200 professionals from both private and public sectors. The EU eGovernment Action Plan for 2015 will be discussed in both parallel sessions and plenary panels.
- MEDICON 2010 - 12th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
27 May 2010 - 30 May 2010 Chalkidiki, Greece
The event intends to provide an international forum for discussing the latest results in the field of medical and biological engineering and computing. The scientific program will consist of invited keynote talks given by leading scientists in the field, and special track sessions and workshops that cover a broad array of issues which relate technology and computing to (bio)medicine. A call for papers is open until 14 February.
- Edge 2010
25 February 2010 - 26 February 2010 Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Edge 2010 is a conference devoted to 21st Century public service delivery : how to innovate for digital inclusion, learning and e-government. New approaches to the regeneration of cities will be presented and exploration of how virtual libraries, along with information services, are revolutionising local authorities. The event will provide opportunities to learn about innovative practice in libraries, buildings and community information. Edge 2010 will demonstrate the latest thinking, tools and technologies available to the public sector. Participants will include elected members, Chief Executives, Directors, Heads of Service, trustees, E-government and community professionals, library vendors, and others with an interest in libraries and information.
- Privacy and Security in the Future Internet - Summer School 2010
13 September 2010 - 17 September 2010 Hersonissos, Greece
The "Future Internet" promises an exciting new world of services and capabilities: devices that will automatically exchange information to facilitate users, services that transparently and seamlessly combine information from different and multiple sources, protocols and systems that are able to handle complex interactions. At the same time, however, concerns about privacy and security increase for individuals, organizations, and the society in general. This gives rise to a number of question such as where should responsibility be placed and how should solutions be enforced and verified in a world of complex infrastructures and services? This third edition of the Summer School, organised by the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) and the Foundation for Research and Technology Hellas (FORTH), will cover topics that address legal, technical, and policy issues in this emerging world.
- EDDP 2010 - Early Disease Detection and Prevention
25 February 2010 - 28 February 2010 Munich, Germany
This year's EDDP conference will focus on health policy and on cardiovascular (cardiac disease and hypertension), metabolic (diabetes) and renal diseases. As early disease detection and prevention are the most promising avenues to effective healthcare, this EDDP conference is expected to draw hundreds of participants from around the globe, including medical practitioners, scientists, investigators, opinion leaders, formulators of health policies and health managers.
Contact: eddp2010@paragon-conventions.com See also:
- Telemedicine and Legal Aspects workshop
2 March 2010 Brussels, Belgium
The workshop will address the legal and logistics dimensions in Telemedicine practice. Subjects to be covered include legal liability of practicioners, patient data privacy and protection, as well as financial and logistics subjects, such as reimbursement of services. A telemedicine use case will be presented to the participants. The workshop should facilitate the dissemination of good practice initiatives, knowledge and experiences on the field, with the aim to accelerate the uptake of Telemedicine solutions and to improve both policy-making and research. Details and registration are available via http://www.epractice.eu/workshops/telemedicine.
Contact: eHealth@ec.europa.eu See also:
EU Telemedicine overview - EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT
- World of Health IT 2010
15 March 2010 - 18 March 2010 Barcelona, Spain
The World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition (WoHIT) will for the first time be held in conjunction with the European Union's annual High Level eHealth Conference. This will offer a large networking and discussion platform for all eHealth stakeholders. The exhibition has already 60 confirmed exhibitors and 3 country pavilions (see http://expocad.himss.org/expocadvr/shows/10wohit/start.html).
Contact: customerservice@worldofhealthit.org See also:
eHealth - WoHIT 2010 programme overview
New in the Library
- Study on e-Inclusion initiatives from private and non- profit European entities - final report
8 February 2010
The purpose of the study has been two-fold: To identify and analyse good e-Inclusion practices driven by non-profit and private organisations; To derive recommendations for those involved in promoting e-Inclusion, including the European Commission and other authorities.
- Europe 2020 - Public consultation - First overview of responses
2 February 2010
The Commission launched a public consultation on the EU 2020 strategy in November 2009, which closed on 15th January 2010. Around 1500 contributions have been received from a wide range of interested parties. A more detailed analysis of the contributions is due to be issued around mid-February. All contributions will be available soon on the consultation website.
See also: Consultation website
- The Lisbon strategy evaluation
2 February 2010
The Europe 2020 strategy will build on the successes and results obtained by the Lisbon strategy since its 2005 relaunch, which focused on growth and jobs, but also address some of its shortcomings. In this context, the Commission prepared an evaluation of the Lisbon strategy.
- Viviane Reding, Member of the European Commission responsible for Information Society and Media
- Privacy: the challenges ahead for the European Union
Keynote Speech at the Data Protection Day, Brussels, 28 January 2010
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