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- European eHealth Week 2011: Registration opens; strong support from leading hospitals and associations
10 May 2011 - 12 May 2011 Budapest, Hungary
Registration is now open for the eHealth event of the year, eHealth Week 2011. The event attracts Government decision makers, Industry Leaders and Europe's most influential CIOs from hospitals and healthcare organisations: "Healthcare is an increasingly global endeavour. For an international hospital provider like us, eHealth Week 2011 is an ideal opportunity to keep in touch with the most recent developments", says Uwe Poettgen, Chief Information Officer at Germany's Asklepios Hospital Group. eHealth Week 2011 focuses on 'eHealth in an Age of Austerity: Achieving Maximum Benefit'. Follow us on http://twitter.com/EU_ehealthweek.
Contact: ehealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: Information on the eHealth ministerial serie of conference
New in the Library
- European Council conclusions on "Cross fertilization between Europe 2020 flagship initiatives Digital Agenda for Europe and Innovation Union"
3 December 2010
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