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Institución:University of Luxembourg
Contacto correo-e:amimanera@gmail.com
There are 2 open PhD positions in the Theoretical Solid-State Physics group of the Physics and Material Sciences Research Unit at the University of Luxembourg. You will work in an exciting international environment and participate in the development of a young, research-oriented university, established in 2003, that has been successfully expanding in recent years. In the group we use firstprinciples methods to understand and predict the properties of novel functional materials starting from
the electronic phenomena at the atomic scale. The work will be performed under the supervision of Prof. Ludger Wirtz in collaboration with experimental and other theoretical groups in Europe.
The topic of the first position is the calculation of luminescence spectra of semiconductors and insulators in the presence of defects. The work involves the use and development of the methods of many-body perturbation theory in solid-state physics. In parallel, the use of quantum-chemistry (wavefunction) methods in connection with the development of smart embedding schemes can be envisaged.
The work will be in collaboration with the Laboratory for Photovoltaics (Prof. S. Siebentritt) at the University of Luxembourg.
The research topic of the second position is on the electronic, vibrational, and optical properties of
nanostructured materials (e.g., graphene in interaction with different substrates, semiconducting nanocrystals as light-emitting and light-harvesting materials). This work involves the use and development of both ab-initio and semi-empirical techniques.
We are looking for curious and highly qualified candidates with the following profile:
· Master's degree in Physics, Chemistry, or Material Science
· Strong background in quantum mechanics and at least one of the following fields: theoretical solid state/semiconductor physics, molecular physics, atomic physics.
· Experience in scientific programming
· Good language skills
Applications must include a cover letter detailing how you meet the selection criteria together with a
CV, a summary of past accomplishments, and the coordinates of two persons willing to send a letter of
Información complementaria de la oferta:
For further information and to apply, please contact Ludger.Wirtz@uni.lu
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