miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

APC Rock Firmware update V1.1.2

APC Rock Firmware V1.1.2
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APC a bicycle for your mind

APC Rock Firmware Update V1.1.2

We are pleased to announce a new firmware update is available for APC Rock in the APC Library. This update includes a number of improvements to the stability and functionality of APC Rock as well as a slightly modified user interface. An image of the new APC firmware V1.1.2 is available for download here. (Be sure to save all your data beforehand, installation instructions are included in the read me file)
For developers, an updated binary of the Uboot and Kernel are available in our GitHub repository. We have also added a toolchain for developers to use as well.

Feature Updates and Fixes
1. Updated display policy to support up to 1080p resolution.
2. Fixed VGA brightness over saturation.
3. Improved browser stability.
4. Have enabled HDMI and DAC audio out at the same time. 
5. Added the ability to disable the EDID function (auto screen resolution detect) through Uboot.
6. Added support for CIR (consumer infrared remote) remote through Uboot.

For a full list please see the read me file which is included with the download.

Our efforts continue to improve the overall user experience and we thank all of those in the community for your feedback and help in identifying issues.
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