martes, 25 de junio de 2013

[Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"] Several post-doc positions at IIT-PAVIS at Italy...

#forums.Forum#: Ofertas con perfil "Informática y Multimedia"
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2013-06-25 12:42:59.648658+02

Several post-doc positions at IIT-PAVIS at Italy

The PAVIS department at Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia - IIT ( is looking for highly qualified researchers in the field of Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Machine Learning. The main mission of PAVIS is to design and develop innovative video surveillance systems, characterized by the use of highly-functional smart sensors and advanced video analytics features. PAVIS has also an active role in supporting the research facilities in IIT providing solutions to life-scientists in Neuroscience, Drug Discovery and Development and Nanophysics. To this end, the group is involved in activities concerning computer vision and pattern recognition, machine learning, multimodal data analysis and sensor fusion, sensors networks, and embedded computer vision systems. The lab will pursue this goal by working collaboratively and in cooperation with external private and public partners.

The Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a non-profit institution based in Genova, situated in north-west part of Italy close to both the Italian Riviera and the Alps, established jointly by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance to promote excellence in basic and applied research and to contribute to the economic development of Italy.

The primary goals of the IIT are the creation and dissemination of scientific knowledge as well as the strengthening of Italy?s technological competitiveness. The IIT intends to become an international leading centre in scientific research and advanced technology, able to attract researchers from around the world, and cooperating with both academic institutions and private organizations.

For more info, please visit, and

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