lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: 2 years fellowship for 1 non-doctoral researcher (

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Institución:Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos
The Institute of Agro-chemistry and Food Technology of the Spanish Council of Research (IATA-CSIC) is looking for one (1) Early Stage Researcher enrolled or interested in enrolling in a Doctoral programme to join a multi-disciplinary research team. The Microbial ecology, Health and Nutrition research group focuses its investigation activities in analysing the influence of the human microbiota and its genome (microbiome) in the nutritional and health state, its interaction in the development of metabolic and immunologic pathologies, and selects and evaluates the efficacy and mechanism of action of new probiotic bacteria. The research group is involved in the following research activities:
• Determine the effect of the interactions between the gut microbiota, lifestyle and the genotype, in the risk of developing immunologic and metabolic diseases, such as celiac disease, obesity and comorbidities (metabolic syndrome, diabetes, dyslipidaemia and fatty liver, etc).
• Design nutritional intervention strategies allowing the modification of factors contributing to reduce the risk of diet- and lifestyle- related diseases at different stages of life.
• Develop a new generation of effective probiotics and products from human isolated gut bacteria to reduce the incidence of immune and metabolic pathologies.
• Identify molecular mechanisms of action of these bacteria through the communication between the intestine and organs and peripheral tissues by integrating physiologic studies and application of omic technologies.
The purpose of this fellowship is to train university degree holders from non-Spanish universities in R&D tasks in research bodies of the Valencian Region, Spain.
The period of validity covered by the grant is two years or until defending one's doctoral thesis, should this be earlier. The starting date will be between September and October 2014.
Stipend will be of €1,200 monthly (gross). National taxes (IRPF) will be deducted from this amount. Additionally the stipend will cover:
a) travel and settlement cost to move to Valencia, the first year €1,600.
b) Candidates who are not in possession of a master degree will receive €1,200 yearly to cover the enrolment fees.

• A degree from a non-Spanish university in the field of the sciences related to the main research activities of the team. Priority will be given to candidates with Master degree related to research group activities.
• Having obtained a degree after 1 January 2011.
• Good command, written and spoken, of Spanish and/or English.
• Not being in possession of a PhD.
• Not being holder of another European or National R&D grant.

• Interest in the research areas of the Microbial ecology, Nutrition and Health team;
• Specialisation in one of the research areas of the research group;
• Ability to think strategically;
• Good organizational skills;
• Good communication skills: orally and written;
• Polyvalence and flexibility;
• Teamwork and good skills adapting to multicultural environments;

1. Cover letter.
2. Applicant's CV.
3. Copy of the academic certificate including your academic title and grades obtained.
4. Copy of academic degree or deposit made for the issuance of degree.
5. 2 letters of recommendation.
6. Supporting documents of knowledge of Spanish and/or English.

Application will be evaluated according to the following scale:
a) Academic records (30%)
b) Experience related with the research group investigation (20%)
c) Adaptation of the CV to the specific requirements of the research activities (30%)
d) Letters of recommendation (20%)

Applicants should send the required documents to Maria Roca by e-mail Closing date for applications is 15th May 2014 after this deadline applications will be rejected.

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