viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

EU eHealth in focus - Newsletter - 01/06/2012

Europe's Information Society - eHealth News
1st of June 2012

Top News

Two more hospitals are joining the #epSOS piloting phase in Italy!

Italian hospitals Gavardo and Manerbio have just entered the epSOS piloting phase (ePrescription and Patient Summaries)! The list of healthcare points of care willing to provide the epSOS services is growing! This is a good news as the holiday season is approaching. Take a look on the map on the epSOS website to see where you can find them. More Points of Care will follow soon, stay up-to-date! As well do not forget that you can now download the European Health Insurance Card on your smartphone!


Arctic Light e-He@lth Conference 2012

(19/06/2012 — 20/06/2012) This event will focus on the latest developments in e-health. How and why should regions implement e-health policies and tools to shape tomorrow's care? Regional decision-makers, policy officers, business and university experts are expected to attend.

ICT Proposers' Day 2012

(26/09/2012 — 27/09/2012) This event will offer a networking opportunity to build quality partnerships for participating in the new Information and Communication Technologies Work Programme for 2013. Presentation of project ideas, first-hand information from European Commission officials, practical guidance on how to submit a proposal and much more will be provided during the event.


Have your say online ahead of the Digital Agenda Assembly 2012 | #da12social #da12 #da12public #da12jobskills #da12trustsec

This online space for discussion/collaboration allows us (1) to prepare the Digital Agenda Assembly 2012, (2) as well as the review of the Digital Agenda for Europe, planned for adoption in October.


eHealth Task Force recommendations' presentation at Summit on Reuse of health data

Video made during the summit on reuse of health data (14-15/52012). The report prepared by the eHealth Task Force was handed to the European Commission on May 7th. It outlines the Task Force's conclusions and recommendations regarding the key issues faced by a fundamental re-organisation of healthcare to make use of already existing information technologies. These solutions are often not medical at all, but rather deal with how in the future we will need to treat data, privacy, research as well as the physician/patient relationship.

UK: 'The Power of Information: Putting us all in control of the health and care information we need'

The focus is on empowering patients to take more control of their own health through better access to information, including access to their own health records (starting with GP records); using technology to provide more convenient ways for people to access services - such as booking appointments with their GP online, ordering repeat prescriptions online etc; promoting transprency so that a wide range of quality information is available to enable people to make fully informed choices about the healthcare they receive; moving away from a "provide all" national IT programme to a "connect all" approach based on consistent national standards for information collection and systems to ensure they are interoperable; promoting the importance of informatics skills and capability for all staff groups in the service.


IT: #Telehealth monitoring project allows liver transplant patients to go home

The Mediterranean Institute for Transplantation and High Specialisation Therapies (ISMETT) has recently launched a tele-health monitoring project for 30 Sicilian liver transplant patients during the post-transplant follow-up period. The new system will allow transplant patients to leave the hospital early and recover at home thanks to a telehealth monitoring system, which comes with an integrated camera, microphone and speakers for interactive video-conferences. Patients can now be monitored and supported from their homes, with the possibility of collecting biometric data, managing their treatment and offering face to face support via video conferencing.

VPH-Share - Sharing for Healthcare: a research environment

The VPH-Share project has now successfully completed its first year of actvities and have just published the first issue of its newsletter. VPH-Share is a 4-year large-scale integrating project funded under the European Community's FP7 aiming at developing the infostructure and integrating the optimised services to: -expose and share data and knowledge, -jointly develop multiscale models for the composition of new VPH workflows, -facilitate collaborations within the VPH community.

A robot in mind - assisting a surgeon during neurosurgery operations

Drug-resistant epilepsy, Parkinsons and other motor skill problems like for example dystonia, chronic pain and all types of brain cancer are the kind of operation this type of robot could help perfom. The robot, developed within the EU's RoboCast project, is a year away from surgical trials.

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