Latest News
- Commission consults on draft Guidelines for broadband networks
(1 June 2012) The European Commission is inviting comments on the application of EU state aid rules to the public funding of broadband networks. The key issue for discussion is how to adapt the current Guidelines to the objectives of the EU Digital Agenda. In line with the Commission's state aid modernisation package, the proposed changes aim to ensure that state aid policy in the broadband sector focusses on facilitating well-designed aid targeted at market failures and objectives of common European interest, streamlining rules and taking faster decisions. Comments on the draft guidelines should be submitted by 3 September. On the basis of the comments received, the Commission intends to adopt definitive Broadband Guidelines in December 2012.
See also: Frequently Asked Questions
- Commission asks Court of Justice to fine five Member States for missing telecom rules implementation deadline
(31 May 2012) The European Commission has decided to refer five Member States - Belgium, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, and Slovenia - to the EU Court of Justice because they have still not implemented the revised EU telecoms rules into their national laws. The official deadline for doing so was 25 May 2011. The Commission has also suggested the Court impose a daily penalty payment on each Member State which would be paid as from the date of the Court's ruling until full transposition of the rules into national law is notified. The other 22 countries which have implemented EU telecoms rules guarantee more competitive markets for consumers and businesses and give EU customers new rights, such as switching their phone operator in one day without changing the number or being informed without delay when their personal data is stolen online.
See also: Commission acts to ensure that European legislation is fully and properly implemented
- Vice-President Kroes to propose action on consumer choice and "net neutrality"
(29 May 2012) "When it comes to the issue of "net neutrality" I want to ensure that Internet users can always choose full Internet access - that is, access to a robust, best-efforts Internet with all the applications you wish. But I don't like to intervene in competitive markets unless I am sure this is the only way to help either consumers or companies. Preferably both. In particular because a badly designed remedy may be worse than the disease - producing unforeseen harmful effects long into the future. So I wanted better data before acting on net neutrality."
- Online Engagement Digital Agenda Assembly 2012
(1 June 2012) More than 800 members are currently taking part in the online discussion platform which Neelie Kroes launched on 19 April in preparation for the Digital Agenda Assembly (Brussels, 21-22 June) and the forthcoming review of the Digital Agenda for Europe. The members making the most interesting contributions in each group will be invited to attend the Assembly. Highlights include, an active online forum on Public Services and sustainability featuring a lively discussion in which concrete ways Europe should enable and deliver innovation in digital public services and sustainability. The Jobs and Skills online forum has also engaged participants to discuss how to bridge the gap between the shortage of ICT skilled workforce and the high supply of young Europeans in search for a job and an attractive career. They are already sharing good examples of practices (from ICT companies or others) bridging that gap. Share your example ! If you are interested in these or other issues discussed in the platform, join and contribute to the debate
- Vice-President Kroes urges member states and citizens to endorse 116 000 hotline for missing children
(30 May 2012) 116 000 is an easy-to-remember and free-of-charge phone number to report missing children. In a recent survey, 91% of Europeans find this service useful. But that overwhelming support is not translating into awareness. Even in member states where the number is operational, only one in five people feel they have enough information about it. That is why, in a dedicated Conference today, Vice-President Kroes urged Member States to make the hotline fully operational and to take any action to boost awareness.
See also: Commissioner Kroes' speech
- Reminder: Public Consultation on the Access to Interoperability Information of Digital Products and Services
(20 March 2012) The purpose of this consultation is to obtain structured input from stakeholders (owners, potential users) and interested parties on the needs, barriers and opportunities for measures leading significant market players to license interoperability information not covered by standards, as proposed in the Digital Agenda for Europe communication. The consultation is open until 20 June 2012.
New in the Library
- EU Smart Energy and Sustainable ICT Conference - videos of the main sessions online
31 May 2012
Did you miss the European Commission's conference Smart Energy and Sustainable ICT on 3 - 4 May 2012? You can now watch the videos and photos of the main sessions online.
See also: Access the Conference materials online
- Build Connect Grow - Cross Border Public Services
30 May 2012
Beyond their economic impact, digital technologies also play a vital role in improving people's daily lives. They provide better access to information, enhance efficiencies and facilitate links between citizens, businesses and governments. Governments and businesses are looking for increasingly clever ways to encourage economic growth and save money for both themselves and citizens. The Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs) have been developed by the European Commission in close cooperation with EU Member States, industry, national administrations and local communities. This collaborative process ensures that all Europeans benefit from Europe's commitment to developing ICT and the Digital Single Market. The second edition of the "Build Connect Grow" webzine, looking at the accomplishments of LSPs, is now available.
- Neelie Kroes, Vice President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
- Call 116 000 - efforts to save missing children
Missing Children conference: Closing the gaps - 116 000 hotlines and child abduction alert systems, Brussels, 30 May 2012
- Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
- Making Open Access a reality for Science
Publishing and the Ecology of European Research (PEER) Project Conference, Brussels, 29 May 2012
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