viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

EU eHealth in focus - Newsletter - 08/06/2012

Europe's Information Society - eHealth News
8th of June 2012

Top News

EU-US cooperation in eHealth - main elements of a joint roadmap for activities under the MoU identified

The European Union and the United States recognise the importance of health-related Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in promoting individual and community health while fostering innovation and economic growth.



Smartphone app to ensure stress-free travel this summer

Just in time for the summer holidays, the EURO 2012 Football Championship and the London 2012 Olympics, the European Commission has launched an application for smartphones explaining how to use the European Health Insurance Card. The Card gives people access to state-provided healthcare in case of illness or an accident during travel and temporary stays in 31 European countries. The Card is available – free of charge - from national health insurance providers. It guarantees access to urgent treatment under the same conditions and at the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country.

High tech for health

Healthcare systems face enormous challenges over the coming years. The increasing demands of an aging population, the rising cost of treatments and medications, and budget shortfalls are all issues that will need to be addressed if Europeans are to continue to enjoy high standards of care. eHealth, enabled by information and communication technologies, offers Europe solutions that can help avoid healthcare crisis. EU-funded ICT projects are making a big contribution toward achieving that goal.

The Magic Square – Towards an "intergalactic guide" to ICT standards

Don't you think that the economic and technological potential of standards remains highly unexpressed? Don't you think that ICT standards might get depressed soon? Don't you think that the problem with an open and voluntary definition of interoperability lies upon the challenging communication of what standards are and why they are so important, with respect to the social challenges that the EU is facing today (here we specifically refer to standards in the fields of eHealth, eGovernment, Smart Cities, and IT Security)? ICT standards might be able to solve many of the major problems of the Universe, except communicating such an extraordinary ability.


EU-US Marketplace for all players in eHealth

(23/10/2012 — 26/10/2012) The main goal of this eHealth marketplace is to encourage a multi healthcare sector, multi member state mission from Europe to meet with companies, health providers, research institutions and others from across the USA to encourage business relationships, research and other collaborations. In addition you will be able to attend an eHealth 'Policy Convergence' event co-organized by the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) and the European Commission DG CONNECT. It is expected that the event will offer substantial opportunities to discuss the roadmap in detail for activities under the EU-US eHealth MoU roadmap, and to engage a variety of stakeholders in thinking about how they can become a part of activities to accomplish roadmap milestones. And last, the Partners Connected Health Symposium will take take place and there will be opportunities to introduce speakers and panellists from Europe, to this long established and successful event. For more information on the different deadlines check the conference website.

Conference on Electronic Procurement – Challenges and Opportunities

(26/06/2012) The European Commission and the European Parliament are organising a conference to highlight the opportunities offered by electronic procurement (e-procurement)in order to simplify public procurement procedures and to achieve better procurement outcomes as well as better value-for-money in public expenditure. The conference programme will include: presentations from contracting authorities and companies that are already using e-procurement tools, from the EU and beyond, explaining the challenges they had to overcome and the benefits they have obtained; a panel of senior European policy-makers and business people discussing the potential of e-procurement to address current economic and political challenges faced by the EU; presentations on the e-procurement landscape in Europe, including e-procurement solutions and best practices in the marketplace.

Stimulating growth and business revenue through social media

(21/06/2012) We seek new ways for a more stable European Union and like to make business leaders and entrepreneurs aware of the opportunities Social Media holds and help them to apply it in a professional and pleasant way.


New Regulation to enable cross-border electronic signatures and to get more value out of electronic identification in Digital Single Market

The European Commission has proposed new rules to enable cross-border and secure electronic transactions in Europe. The proposed Regulation will ensure people and businesses can use their own national electronic identification schemes (e-IDs) to access public services in other EU countries where e-IDs are available. It also creates an internal market for e-Signatures and related online trust services across borders, by ensuring these services will work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper based processes. This will give full effect to the major potential savings of eProcurement.

EU-US Marketplace for all players in eHealth

The main goal of this eHealth marketplace is to encourage a multi healthcare sector, multi member state mission from Europe to meet with companies, health providers, research institutions and others from across the USA to encourage business relationships, research and other collaborations. In addition you will be able to attend an eHealth 'Policy Convergence' event co-organized by the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) and the European Commission DG CONNECT. It is expected that the event will offer substantial opportunities to discuss the roadmap in detail for activities under the EU-US eHealth MoU roadmap, and to engage a variety of stakeholders in thinking about how they can become a part of activities to accomplish roadmap milestones. And last, the Partners Connected Health Symposium will take take place and there will be opportunities to introduce speakers and panellists from Europe, to this long established and successful event. For more information on the different deadlines check the conference website.


EU funded VPHOP Project Public Presentation and Video

VPHOP project

VPHOP is in its 4th year of activity. Check their website to see new presentation and video that describes the scope, the approach and the major achievements so far of the VPHOP integrated project.


Partners across Europe commit to work together for active & healthy ageing


For some time, we have been working to bring together everyone who needs to get involved – from doctors to medical device makers, from investors to ICT experts – to promote our vision of an innovation friendly, sustainable, affordable and high quality healthcare for all Europeans. At the end of February, we asked people to commit – in writing – to concrete actions and deliver tangible results through partnerships. The response to this invitation has been impressive. We received close to 300 hard "commitments to action", and 60 locations willing to serve as 'Reference Sites' (regions, municipalities, health jurisdictions, etc.) for implementing the EIP actions.

Stimulating growth and business revenue through social media

We seek new ways for a more stable European Union and like to make business leaders and entrepreneurs aware of the opportunities Social Media holds and help them to apply it in a professional and pleasant way.

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