Latest News
- Next Generation Internet Protocol takes off
(6 June 2012) Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is formally launched worldwide today, coexisting alongside Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4). Deploying IPv6 is a key action under the Digital Agenda for Europe. This is because unless the existing Internet infrastructure is upgraded to IPv6, the Internet would slow down as a result of its own success, which would in turn lead to fewer possibilities to drive innovation in the field of new Internet services and applications.
- Transport and Telecommunications Council - 7 and 8 June 2012
(6 June 2012) The EU's Council of transport ministers will meet in Luxembourg on Thursday 7 June under the Danish Presidency. From the European Commission, Vice-President Siim Kallas, responsible for transport and mobility, will present agenda items on the Connecting Europe Facility, measures concerning noise restrictions in EU airports, the results of the Blue Belt Pilot project as well as the implementation of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS).On 8th June the telecommunications part of the Council will hold an orientation debate on telecommunication guidelines and re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI). The Commission will be represented by Vice President Neelie Kroes, responsible for the Digital Agenda.
- Commission puts on hold German telecoms regulator's plans to regulate high bandwidth leased lines
(4 June 2012) The European Commission has put on hold, pending further investigations, plans of the German telecoms regulator (BNetzA) to set price levels for dedicated secure lines of ultra-fast broadband lines that are rented out to competitors- so-called "very high bandwidth leased lines", which the incumbent German telecoms operator, Deutsche Telecom (DT), can charge alternative operators.
- New Regulation to enable cross-border electronic signatures and to get more value out of electronic identification in Digital Single Market
(4 June 2012) The European Commission has proposed new rules to enable cross-border and secure electronic transactions in Europe. The proposed Regulation will ensure people and businesses can use their own national electronic identification schemes (e-IDs) to access public services in other EU countries where e-IDs are available. It also creates an internal market for e-Signatures and related online trust services across borders, by ensuring these services will work across borders and have the same legal status as traditional paper based processes. This will give full effect to the major potential savings of eProcurement.
See also: Electronic identification, signatures and trust services: Questions & Answers
- Digital Agenda Assembly in 2 weeks
(8 June 2012) Less than two weeks to the Digital Agenda Assembly, and the debate is increasing in both quantity and quality. Last week, the 40 people voted by participants as most "interesting" have been invited to the Assembly. The group on Converged media platform is discussing among other issues about the future of connected TV, analysing the opportunities on both the demand and the supply side. It also discusses how content can be financed as well as the necessary integration with social media. The group on Cloud is discussing the implications of the "industrialization of IT" both in terms of opportunities and risks. If you are interested in these or other issues discussed in the platform, join and contribute to the debate.
- Conference on Electronic Procurement - Challenges and Opportunities
26 June 2012 Brussels, Belgium
The European Commission and the European Parliament are organising a conference to highlight the opportunities offered by electronic procurement (e-procurement)in order to simplify public procurement procedures and to achieve better procurement outcomes as well as better value-for-money in public expenditure. The conference programme will include: presentations from contracting authorities and companies that are already using e-procurement tools, from the EU and beyond, explaining the challenges they had to overcome and the benefits they have obtained; a panel of senior European policy-makers and business people discussing the potential of e-procurement to address current economic and political challenges faced by the EU; presentations on the e-procurement landscape in Europe, including e-procurement solutions and best practices in the marketplace.
New in the Library
- Digitising our cultural heritage
30 May 2012
Through R&D projects and working with experts from the Member States, the European Commission has been exploring the best ways to preserve, enrich and open up our cultural heritage for the benefit of today's citizens and future generations. And for more than a decade, ICT has been recognised as a key technological solution.
- Intelligent cargo for more efficient, greener logistics
30 May 2012
Smart cargo that knows where it is, where it is going, when it needs to be there and who is handling it would revolutionise the freight industry, improving efficiency, saving suppliers and recipients time and money, and helping protect the environment. EU-funded researchers have developed a proof-of-concept 'intelligent cargo' system that promises all those benefits and more.
- Smart ICT for energy efficiency
23 May 2012
Energy efficiency is the catchphrase of the early 21st century. Amid rising demand around the world, concerns about traditional sources and increasing environmental awareness, saving energy, improving transmission and distribution and generating power from renewable sources have become priorities for Europe.
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