#forums.Thread#: BECAS
#forums.Author#: Carlos Perez Conde
#forums.Posted#: 2013-09-02 15:36:55.907645+02
Biological and Enzymatic Research Group (RBE - Department of Chemical Engineering and Food Technology ) offers a 4-year fellowship to a Chemical Engineer (or similar) already having a MSc to conduct the PhD Thesis in the field of biological desulfurization of biogas
FPI-MINECO GRANT (Applicaton deadline: September 10, 2013): 4 years contract to work under the project ?Monitoring, modeling and control towards the optimization of anoxic and aerobic desulfurizing biotrickling filters?
Possible candidates should apply at:
Additional information:
domingo.cantero@uca.es (+34 686757360)
Universidad de Cádiz
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