Latest News
- Commission launches Call for Proposals for Networking sessions at ICT 2010
(25 January 2010)The European Commission published today the call for proposals for the Networking sessions at ICT 2010. The event, taking place in Brussels on 27-29 September 2010, will host dozens of networking sessions designed to facilitate contacts between researchers and innovators, engineers and investors from all fields of digital innovation. The ICT community can propose the topics for the networking sessions. This is your chance to help us focus the agenda of ICT and build future partnerships with the right people in your field! Deadline: 15 April 2010.
See also: Follow us on Twitter
- ICT 2010: Call for proposals to exhibit cutting edge research and innovation projects
(15 February 2010)The European Commission today published the Call for Proposals for exhibits at ICT2010 on 27-29 September 2010. The Commission is looking for ideas in the area of upstream ICT innovation as well as close-to-market projects. We invite any organisation involved in European research and development as well as deployment projects and associated support activities to submit an idea for an exhibit. The call is open to all sorts of actors in ICT research: universities, research institutes, non-profit organisations, public authorities and commercial companies including small and medium sized enterprises. Closing date: 30 March 2010.
See also: ICT 2010 on Twitter
- Europe 2020: Commission proposes new economic strategy in Europe
(3 March 2010)The European Commission has launched today the Europe 2020 Strategy to go out of the crisis and prepare EU economy for the next decade. The Commission identifies three key drivers for growth, to be implemented through concrete actions at EU and national levels: smart growth (fostering knowledge, innovation, education and digital society), sustainable growth (making our production more resource efficient while boosting our competitiveness) and inclusive growth (raising participation in the labour market, the acquisition of skills and the fight against poverty). This battle for growth and jobs requires ownership at top political level and mobilisation from all actors across Europe. Five targets are set which define where the EU should be by 2020 and against which progress can be tracked.
- Call for letters of interest for collaborative research with the HAPTIMAP project
(8 March 2010)The HAPTIMAP ('Haptic, audio and visual interfaces for maps and location-based services') project (funded under FP7) has issued a call for a new commercial partner.The subject of this call is to find an additional commercial partner that can develop a map or location-based service that uses haptic, audio and/or visual information for user interaction. This service will illustrate the use of the HAPTIMAP toolkit and important HAPTIMAP concepts. An acceptable alternative would be for the new partner to use HAPTIMAP concepts and the toolkit to enhance a pre-existing service. The deadline for full proposals is 24 March 2010.
- Workshop: Towards a model of user involvement in research
15 March 2010 - 26 March 2010 Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom, and Brussels, Belgium
FUTURAGE is a two-year project funded under FP7 to create the definitive road map for ageing research in Europe for the next 10-15 years. A first set of workshops take place in March (15-16 and 25-26). The workshops represent the second stage of the FUTURAGE process and will enable experts from Europe and beyond to discuss research priorities across a wide range of disciplines. Participation is by invitation only.
- eHealth week 2010 live from your desk!
15 March 2010 - 18 March 2010 Barcelona, Spain
Follow and participate to the event as if you were there!
See also:
- Healthcom'10
1 July 2010 - 3 July 2010 Lyon, France
The 12th International Conference on e-Health Networking, Application & Services aims to bring together interested parties from around the world working in the healthcare field to exchange ideas, to discuss innovative and emerging solutions and to develop collaborations. Participants include clinicians, hospital administrators, IT professionals, researchers, educators, healthcare solutions vendors, and consultants. It will also offer an important forum for discussions on e-Health projects supported by world bodies such as ITU, WHO and the EU, including FP6 and FP7 European projects.
- eInclusion of Youth at Risk - INCLUSO 2010 conference - deadline of call for papers is extended to 22 March
13 September 2010 - 14 September 2010 Leuven, Belgium
This event is organised by the INCLUSO project, aiming to gather international specialists in the field of social software use and improvement of social inclusion for disadvantaged youngsters. Delegates from decision making groups such as governments and the European Commission will be among the participants. A call for papers has been launched (Deadline 22 March). The collaborative INCLUSO project (funded under FP7) aims to deliver a verifiable proof that ICT, and more precisely social software tools, can facilitate social inclusion of youth at risk.
New in the Library
- OASIS project video
9 March 2010
The Open architecture for Accessible Services Integration and Standardization (OASIS) project - a Large Scale Integrated Project co-financed under FP7 - has released its first animated project video. The project's scope is to revolutionise the interoperability, quality, width and usability of services for all the daily activities of older people. More specifically, OASIS intends to use ICT and other key technologies to provide holistic services to older people in order to support their physical and psychological independence, stimulate their social or psychological engagement and foster their emotional well being.
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