jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

eHealth Newsletter - 07/04/2011

7 April 2011
This newsletter is sent on a monthly basis (sometimes biweekly). For more regular updates please visit the Europa eHealth newsroom or subscribe to the eHealth RSS feed.

Latest News

eHealth Week 2011 - Exkluzív ajánlat a magyar résztvevőknek: 3 konferencia 3 napon át 300euróért!

10 May 2011 - 12 May 2011 Budapest, Hungary

Az eHealth Week a legnagyobb szabású éves pán-európai egészségügyi informatikai esemény, amely az Európai Bizottság, az Európai Unió Tanácsának soros magyar elnöksége és a HIMSS Europe közös szervezésében valósul meg.

Contact: krisztina.zala@visioncomm.eu

EU-US cooperation on eHealth: ongoing and planned actions - update

14 April 2011 European Commission – CCAB Room 1A – Rue Froissart 36, Brussels, Belgium

Following the signature on 17 December 2010 of the Memorandum of Understanding between the EU and the US related to ICT for Health activities, the European Commission organises this workshop to present "ongoing and planned actions" together with the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology in the US. Several EU stakeholders will also participate. Webstreaming will be availabe to follow the meeting.

Contact: eHealth@ec.europa.eu
See also: The meeting will be webstreamed (the link will operate only on the 14/4)

Consultation: Green Paper on a Common Strategic Framework for future EU Research and Innovation Funding

(6 April 2011) On 9 February the Commission adopted a Green Paper 'From Challenges to Opportunities: Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU research and innovation funding' (COM(2011)48). This Green Paper launches a public consultation on the key issues to be taken into account for future EU research and innovation funding programmes.

See also: The consultation website

Neelie Kroes: Smart tags - working together to protect privacy

(6 April 2011) European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes has signed a voluntary agreement with industry, civil society, ENISA and privacy and data protection watchdogs to establish guidelines for all companies in Europe to address the data protection implications of smart tags (Radio Frequency Identification Devices – RFID) prior to placing them on the market. "Today we put consumers' privacy at the centre of RFID smart tag technology," Neelie Kroes told a Brussels audience. The agreement establishes for the first time in Europe a clear methodology to assess and mitigate the privacy risks of smart tags that can be applied by all industry sectors that use smart tags (for example, transport, logistics, the retail trade, ticketing, security and health care) to ensure their compliance with EU data protection rules. "What we celebrate today is not only the successful completion of a challenging task, 'how to protect the privacy of European citizens when using RFID', it is potentially also the start of a new policy approach, in fact a new commitment to involving all stakeholders in the process of solving privacy problems", Kroes concluded.

Digital Agenda: new guidelines to address privacy concerns over use of smart tags

(6 April 2011) Today the European Commission has signed a voluntary agreement with industry, civil society, ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency) and privacy and data protection watchdogs in Europe to establish guidelines for all companies in Europe to address the data protection implications of smart tags (Radio Frequency Identification Devices – RFID) prior to placing them on the market. The use of such smart tags is expanding enormously (around 1 billion in Europe in 2011) but there are widespread concerns about their privacy implications. RFIDs can be found in many objects from bus passes to smart cards that pay motorway tolls. Microelectronic devices can process data automatically from RFID tags when brought close to 'readers' that activate them, pick up their radio signal and exchange data with them. Today's agreement forms part of the implementation of a Commission Recommendation adopted in 2009 that inter alia indicates that when consumers buy products with smart tags, they should be deactivated automatically, immediately and free-of-charge unless the consumer agrees explicitly that they are not.

4th call for proposals of the AAL Joint Programme: "ICT based solutions for Advancement of Older Persons' Mobility"

(Deadline: 30/06/2011) The call aims at ICT based solutions which help older persons to sustain their optimal level of mobility for as long as possible, enhancing their individual sense of confidence, autonomy, competence, security and safety. The call addresses issues that inherently enable older persons' mobility in the sense of moving in the home and/or outside the home. The Call was launched on 31 March 2011. The deadline is 30 June 2011 17h00.

New in the Library

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission for the Digital Agenda, Smart tags - working together to protect privacy Privacy and Data Protection

Impact Assessment Framework Signing Ceremony, Brussels, 6th April

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