jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Ph.D.in neuroscience

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(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Institución:University of Massachusetts Medical School
Contacto correo-e:carlos.lois@umassmed.edu
We are seeking highly motivated individuals to work on a research project focused on the assembly and wiring of brain circuits. Our laboratory is interested in the mechanisms that regulate the connectivity between neurons. We focus on
the process of neuronal integration during adult neurogenesis in the olfactory bulb
and hippocampus. The research combines techniques in electrophysiology, molecular biology, neuroanatomy, viral tracing, and transgenesis in rodents. Representative recent publications: • Watching synaptogenesis in the adult brain.
(2010) Annu Rev Neurosci. 33:131-­‐49. • Genetically increased cell-­‐intrinsic excitability enhances neuronal integration into adult brain circuits (2010) Neuron
65:32-­‐39. • Wandering neuronal migration in the postnatal vertebrate forebrain.
(2012) J Neurosci. 32(4):1436-­‐1446. • Increased cell-­‐intrinsic excitability induces synaptic changes in new neurons in the adult dentate gyrus that require
npas4. (2013) J Neurosci. 33(18):7928-­‐40. See
for more information.
A Ph.D. in neuroscience or a related field is required and candidates should have
a record of research excellence demonstrated by publication. Experience with
electrophysiological recordings, developmental neuroscience or molecular neurobiology is highly desired. Candidates must have a strong interest to work
as members of a team. Applicants who are motivated to develop careers as independent investigators are especially encouraged.
Depending on qualifications, postdoctoral fellows will receive salaries according to
NIH guidelines (starting salary is 40,000 USD or approx. 30,500 Euros). It is anticipated that the postdoctoral fellows will stay in the lab for 4-­‐5 years.
In your application, include a detailed curriculum vitae, a short statement on future research ambitions, and names and contact details for at least two
references to

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