Latest News
- Commission launches Call for Proposals for Networking sessions at ICT 2010
(25 January 2010)The European Commission published today the call for proposals for the Networking sessions at ICT 2010. The event, taking place in Brussels on 27-29 September 2010, will host dozens of networking sessions designed to facilitate contacts between researchers and innovators, engineers and investors from all fields of digital innovation. The ICT community can propose the topics for the networking sessions. This is your chance to help us focus the agenda of ICT and build future partnerships with the right people in your field! Deadline: 15 April 2010.
See also: Follow us on Twitter
- ICT 2010: Call for proposals to exhibit cutting edge research and innovation projects
(15 February 2010)The European Commission today published the Call for Proposals for exhibits at ICT2010 on 27-29 September 2010. The Commission is looking for ideas in the area of upstream ICT innovation as well as close-to-market projects. We invite any organisation involved in European research and development as well as deployment projects and associated support activities to submit an idea for an exhibit. The call is open to all sorts of actors in ICT research: universities, research institutes, non-profit organisations, public authorities and commercial companies including small and medium sized enterprises. Closing date: 30 March 2010.
See also: ICT 2010 on Twitter
- Campus Party Europe - Technology, creativity and digital culture online - submit your projects and ideas before 15 March
(1 March 2010)The event (14 April 2010 - 18 April 2010 Madrid) will bring together 800 projects from 27 countries of the European Union related to astronomy, robotics, modding and development of software, information technology security, blogs or digital creativity in any of its facets. The projects will be chosen from all those presented for evaluation through the event's web page. The creators of the selected projects will be invited to participate in Campus Party Europe in Madrid. In parrallel to the innovation awards, the MICINN Challenge invites European internet users to share their projects on how to contribute to the fight against poverty and exclusion through new technologies.
See also: MICINN Challenge
- Survey on the use of Person Centred Technology
(2 March 2010)The Project ImPaCT in Europe – Improving Person Centred Technology in Europe, a networking project in the field of ICT co-financed by the European Commission's Executive Agency for Education, Audiovisual and Culture in the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme, is conducting a survey to assess the use of Person Centred Technology across Europe. The data gathered will be used by the partnership to map the current situation and to to evaluate and promote the benefits of PCT for people with disabilities. The survey is brief and user friendly and is available in English, Portuguese, Finnish, French and Dutch. People with disabilities, service providers, policy makers at all levels, researchers and manufacturers of PCT who are interested in the work carried out by the partnership are invited to contribute.
Contact: miriana.giraldi@easpd.eu
See also: the project ImPaCT in Europe - PRESS RELEASE
- Telecoms: consultation on future universal service in digital era
(2 March 2010)A public consultation on what is the best approach to ensure that basic telecoms services are available for all EU citizens has been launched today by the European Commission. Current EU rules on universal service obligations for telecoms date from 2002 and guarantee that Europeans have access to public telephone networks and to services like basic internet access. The consultation launched today aims to see if these rules and definitions on universal service need to be updated for the digital age, and in particular if they should be extended to cover broadband access. Reactions from consumers, industry stakeholders, and policy experts will help the Commission decide if it needs to present new legislative proposals on universal service obligations for telecoms by end of 2010. The consultation will run until 7 May 2010.
- UNESCO and G3ict sign a partnership on ICT for persons with disabilities
(2 March 2010)UNESCO and the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communication Technologies (G3ict) signed a partnership agreement to facilitate the social inclusion of persons with disabilities through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This agreement contributes to the implementation of the Digital Accessibility Agenda defined by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Seventy-nine countries have ratified the UN Convention, making a commitment to ensure that persons with disabilities would enjoy all human rights on an equal basis. Several general principles of the Convention are directly linked to the UNESCO mandate.
- REACH 112 project at the EU-112 event
25 March 2010 - 26 March 2010 Murcia, Spain
The EU-112 event is organised jointly by EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, and the General Directorate for Emergencies of the Region of Murcia. The aim of the workshop is to foster sharing of best practices between EU emergency services and relevant authorities. The event is organised under the patronage of the Spanish Presidency of the European Union. The REACH112 - REsponding to All Citizens needing Help - project will be presented at the event, it is a three-year project partially funded under the ICT Policy Support Programme (ICT PSP) as part of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme. REACH112 will implement an accessible alternative to traditional voice telephony that will be suitable for all. While people with disabilities find it hard to communicate with the existing solutions, REACH112 will provide modes of communication so that they will find a way to communicate in each situation, may it be with a live real-time text conversation, with sign language, with lip reading, with voice or with any simultaneous combination of these modes.
See also: subscribe to the REACH 112 newsletter
- National strategies for ultrabroadband infrastructure deployment: Experiences and challenges
26 April 2010 - 27 April 2010 Berlin, Germany
Many carriers in the world are today investing in high bit rate broadband infrastructure or are planning to do so. In parallel, many governments in North-America, Asia and Europe have initiated ambitious broadband deployment strategies. Against this backdrop, this international conference will analyse the different strategic elements of these approaches.
- 4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies (CSLT)
22 May 2010 - 23 May 2010 Valletta , Malta
Recent technological developments allow sign language researchers to create relatively large video corpora of sign language use that were unimaginable ten years ago. Several national projects are currently underway, or about to start. This workshop aims to share experiences from current and past efforts: What are the technical problems that were encountered and the solutions created, what are the linguistic decisions taken? At the same time, the workshop shall also look into the future: How can we establish standards for linguistic tagging and metadata, avoid reinventing the wheel, but instead add sign language specifics to well-established or emerging best practices from the general Language Resources community? This workshop is supported by the EU-funded FP7 projects Dicta-Sign (http://www.dictasign.eu) and SignSpeak (http://www.signspeak.eu).
- eChallenges e-2010 Conference and Exhibition - Call for Papers extended
27 October 2010 - 29 October 2010 Warsaw, Poland
This is the twentieth in a series of Annual Conferences supported by the European Commission, which regularly attracts over 650 delegates from commercial, government and research organisations around the world to share knowledge, experience and good practice. eChallenges e-2010 will focus on applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges. A call for extended abstracts has been launched for technical and visionary papers, business and government case studies. Proposals to arrange 90 minute workshop sessions are also welcome. The deadline for submission has been extended to 08 March.
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