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- Get Online Week launched by Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda
(25 February 2011) It is estimated that 30% of Europeans have never used the internet. GetOnlineWeek2011 is a campaign that aims to get more than 100,000 new computer users online. It will take place all over Europe from 28th February to 5th March 2011 and is organised by Telecentre-Europe, a not-for-profit association that encompasses a network of nearly 30,000 centres to provide help, support and training on how to use a computer and the internet. More than 4000 telecentres in 33 European countries will celebrate the GetOnlineWeek2011. They will organise hundreds of events, such as training sessions, competitions, and games in order to highlight the key role of ICT skills in today's society (you can find the map of participating events across Europe here: The aim is to encourage people that already use the internet to go to a Telecentre with a friend that is not yet an internet user in order to experience digital technologies and the online environment. By promoting digital inclusion, GetOnlineWeek2011 is directly relevant to Europe 2020's Digital Agenda for Europe and, in particular, to its objective to halve the proportion of people who have never used the internet by 2015. This is why Neelie Kroes has given her patronage to the campaign and officially launched it by visiting a telecentre in Brussels on the 24th February.
See also: Neelie Kroes' message of support
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