miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: Oferta de Trabajo

(c)OFER-TRABEC es un servicio ofrecido por el Centro de Comunicaciones RedIRIS
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Contacto correo-e:sdp.seleccio@upc.edu
Job offer for UPC: Staff management support for Research which will be contracted as Tècnic/a Especialitzat/da de Suport a la Recerca, code:739-82 in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications in Castelldefels (Barcelona)
GREENET is an ambitious European project for 4 years coordinated by the Technical University of Catalonia, which focuses on the analysis, design and optimization of the energy efficiency of communication systems and wireless networks. To achieve this we have created a group of 10 institutions from 7 different countries (ES, UK, IT, PT, GR, FR and DE) that creates synergies between universities, research centers and private companies.
Spanish FP or equivalent, or capabilities provide in relation to the job
Organizational Skills:
To support management and administration in the project GREENET (Pitner-GA-2010-264759), specifically:
• Organize the logistics of all the meetings and seminars
• Maintain close contact with all the partners of the project normally in English as well as support the coordination and execution of all research and training activities
• Be in charge of the preparation of cost claims, in coordination with the other staff of UPC and the other partners
• Administrative and technical support for financial, technical reporting and support in documents handling, including deliverables
• General administrative support to the Project Manager and to the Technical Manager of the project
• Logistics support for mobility of the fellows and other people involved in the project
• Organize and supervise the training activities
• Maintenance of the web page of the project
• Management of the recruitment of fellows of the project
• Perform occasional travel to any country where there are other project partners
Technical Skills:
Knowledge and experience in:
o Management of public funded projects, preferably research projects
o Research activities, preferably regarding technical issues
o Financial and technical reporting
o Creating and maintaining web contents
o Catalan, Spanish and English spoken, read and written. Excellent spoken and written English is a must
o Office and management tools and electronic communication user level: Office, Internet ...
o Experience will be priced at functions similar to the ones described, specifically, in the development of research activities, so many in the scientific and industrialist environment or other collaborations of the specific matter of the study.
Personal Skills:
User service, organization and attainment, communication and capacity for teamwork, problem solving and focus on improving.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
The application to take part in this selection process can be collected at the Registry of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, floor 0 Vertex Building, 6th Eusebi Güell, sq. 08034 Barcelona (morning hours Monday to Friday 9 to 13.30 and Tuesday afternoon from 15 to 17 hours), any public records of the UPC or through the website www.upc.edu/concursos

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:
 CV
 Photocopy of ID
 Photocopy of the qualification required to call
 Photocopies of certificates of merit alleges that (other studies, experience, specialization courses, languages, etc.).
 Picture ID

Registration must be submitted to the Public Registry or any above the UPC. It can also be delivered by postal mail, in this case is presented on the application in open, to be dated and stamped by the official post before its certification, in accordance with the provisions of Article 36 of the Law 30/92 of 26 November, on Legal Regime of Public Administrations and Common Administrative Procedure.

The deadline for submission of the request ends on March, 17th 2011.

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