viernes, 18 de julio de 2014

Digital Agenda for Europe Newsroom Update Weekly - 18/07/2014

European Commission Digital Agenda for Europe
Newsletter - 18 July 2014
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Press releases
PRESS RELEASE — 17 July 2014
Commission encourages re-use of public sector data
The European Commission is publishing guidelines to help Member States benefit from the revised Directive on the re-use of public sector information (PSI Directive). These guidelines explain for example how to give access to weather data, traffic data, property asset data and maps. Open data can be used as the basis for innovative value-added services and products, such as mobile apps, which encourage investment in data-driven sectors.
See also : Frequently asked questions: "PSI guidelines"
SPEECH — 17 July 2014
Embracing the open opportunity
Open Knowledge Foundation, Berlin, 17 July 2014
SPEECH — 9 July 2014
Taking Joint Technology Initiatives forward - a vital partner for innovation and growth
First calls for proposals under the Joint Technology Initiatives, Innovation and Investment Package,Brussels, 9 July 2014


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