lunes, 14 de julio de 2014

ICT for Ageing Well Newsletter update - 14/07/2014

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ISSN : 2362-9797
European Commission ICT for Ageing Well

In this issue - 14 July 2014

In focus
23 September 2014
Growing the Silver Economy in Europe
Demographic ageing in Europe and beyond creates challenges for our health and care systems and our national budgets. But it also creates enormous opportunities. The Silver Economy is the new gold, Silicon Valley gurus tell us. Large new public and consumer markets of ICT products and services for ageing well are developing. Our ageing populations are drivers of economic growth. In this light, the European Commission is organising the event 'Growing the Silver Economy in Europe' to discuss how to best grow a large scale Silver Economy in Europe.
Contact :
Other news
Have your say on the future of science: public consultation on Science 2.0
The European Commission has launched a public consultation on 'Science 2.0', in order to gauge the trend towards a more open, data-driven and people-focused way of doing research and innovation. Researchers are using digital tools to get thousands of people participating in research, for example by asking them to report if they catch flu in order to monitor outbreaks and predict possible epidemics.
Call for papers on Digital Gaming and Ageing
The Games and Culture Journal has published a call for papers for a special edition on Digital Gaming & Ageing. Deadline for submission is Thursday 9th October 2014. 5pm CET.
Event announcements
9 - 12 September 2014 - Bucharest, Romania
AAL Forum
The annual event of the Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) programme offers a forum for the European AAL community to meet and discuss several topics, relevant for improving the AAL programme as well as the adoption of ICT for ageing solutions in the market. You can learn more about innovation and commercialization of ICT for ageing in the exhibition area and network with the major community in this field in Europe.
7 October 2014 - Brussels, Centre Borschette, Room 0B
Procurement workshop at Open Days 2014
In the framework of the Open Days 2014 in October, DG Connect is organising a workshop entitled "Make use of the enabling button for Innovation Procurement (PCP/PPI) to tackle societal challenges in Europe". It will focus mainly on health procurement and opportunities under Horizon 2020.
Projects news & results
Presentation of the Carer+ project: "From Carer to CarerPlus: developing digital competences in the care worker sector"
At the 2014 EDEN conference in Zagreb, Steven Warburton described how the CarerPlus project has addressed the challenges surrounding the development of a training programme for enhancing the digital skills of care workers to enhance the quality of life of older persons.
picture of 1st slide of the presentation
Vigi'Fall receives the Gold Medal at the international inventor competition Concours Lépine for its fall detection solution
The FallWatch, an EU-funded research project, brought together a wealth of European technology and expertise in a tiny triangular patch called Vigi'Fall that can be worn by the user in a non-intrusive, permanent manner. The fall detection solution could help save 500,000 hospitalisations and 40,000 premature deaths caused by falls in Europe every year.
See also : More on this story
Studies and reports
Set of good practices that supports the implementation of interoperable and independent living solutions
This report presents the achievements of Action Group C2 of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. It includes guidelines for innovative procurement and user empowerment, and recommendations for interoperability processes and standardisation, as well as a set of good practices that supports the implementation of interoperable and independent living solutions. A key goal on the C2 Action Plan is to share good practices and to collate evidence of such practices from across the EU.
See also : More on the Action Group on on the development of interoperable independent living solutions
Funding opportunities
EU-industry partnerships seek innovation boost with first €1 billion for projects
Research partnerships between the EU, the private sector and Member States today presented their first calls for projects and partners under Horizon 2020, the EU's €80 billion research and innovation programme. Worth a total of €1.13 billion in public funding, which will be complemented by a comparable amount from the private partners, the first round of funding will go into projects that will improve people's lives as well as boost international competitiveness of Europe's industry.
The Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS)
RGS is a highly innovative Virtual Reality (VR) tool for the rehabilitation of deficits that occur after brain lesions and has been successfully used for the rehabilitation of the upper extremities after stroke. The project is partly funded by the AAL Joint Programme.
> Watch video
Neelie Kroes talks about how standards can support the silver economy
Video message from Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission, to the 3rd European Standardization Summit in Istanbul on 11 June 2014, on the theme: 'How standardization can support the silver economy'.
> Watch video

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