miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010

eHealth Newsletter - 22/12/2010

22 December 2010
This newsletter is sent on a monthly basis (sometimes biweekly). For more regular updates please visit the Europa eHealth newsroom or subscribe to the eHealth RSS feed.

Latest News

Towards Effective eHealth Interoperability Certification and Conformance Testing

12 April 2011 Pisa, Italy

HITCH is organising a Workshop at Connectathon 2011 in Pisa. Different topics around the field are going to be presented by invited international speakers as well as by experts from the HITCH project partners, including people beyond the IHE Connectathons and from EuroRec that is offering certification of electronic health records within Europe. Registration is free but compulsory at http://hitch-project.eu/register-workshop.

Contact: Information
See also: Workshop Programme

Ready to grow? Shaping future EU support for business - Conference on the future of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme

25 January 2011 Brussels, Belgiium

The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) will come to an end in 2013 and the Commission services are currently elaborating actions and priorities to support the competitiveness of European businesses after 2013. The Commission invites interested stakeholders, including representatives of business and innovation agencies, to express their views on what can be improved and how in this field. Which key actions should the EU focus on to help businesses grow ? Which ones should be strengthened in CIP? Are there specific fields where action is necessary but are not currently covered? What should be the link between EU support for research and EU support for competitiveness and innovation? A parallel exhibition will be held the whole day, showcasing the achievements of the CIP so far and allow participants to discuss with the respective Commission services current policy orientations and available funding opportunities. Registration will close on 15th January 2011.

See also: Online survey on a possible successor to the CIP

Call For Papers IEEE TBME Letters - Special Issue on Multi-Scale Modeling and Analysis for Computational Biology and Medicine

(20 December 2010) IEEE TBME Letters Special Issue on "Multi-Scale Modeling and Analysis for Computational Biology and Medicine" will publish short manuscripts (up to 4 printed pages) of novel methodologies with high potential impact and early breakthroughs. As the emphasis is on publication of early breakthrough novel methodologies in a timely manner, a full statistical validation is not required however a feasibility study with a proof of concept may be demonstrated. Deadline for submission of manuscripts: April 2, 2011.

Contact: Senior Editor In-Charge IEEE TBME Letters
See also: More information about the Call for Papers and author instructions for manuscript submission are available on the website

Call for papers - special Issue on Medical Imaging in Computational Physiology - IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging

(20 December 2010) Launch of an invitation to submission of papers describing new methods and tools for image-based approaches to the VPH/Physiome. The special issue will give particular attention to contributions describing methods and tools combined with a thorough clinical evaluation. Deadline for submission of manuscripts: February 1, 2012. For more information please check the Biomedtown website.

Contact: contact
See also: Information on VPHOP project

ICT Policy Support Programme - 2011 Work Programme and Call for Proposals

The ICT PSP Management Committee has given a positive opinion on the ICT PSP Draft Work Programme 2011. The running European Parliament scrutiny period will end in February and formal adoption is expected by the end of February 2011. The 5th Call for Proposals will be published soon after formal adoption, from 28 February to 1 June 2011 (TBC). An Information Day is provisionally planned for Monday 28 February in Brussels, please pencil in your agendas. Confirmation of the date and details on venue and on-line registration facilities will follow in early January 2011.

See also: Download the ICT PSP Draft Work Programme 2011.

New in the Library

Interreality in the Management and Treatment of Stress-Related Disorders: video

22 December 2010

The INTERSTRESS project aims to design, develop and test an advanced ICT-based solution for the assessment and treatment of psychological stress. Check out the video for more information.

Contact: Communication Officer
See also: INTERSTRESS website

Medicine: the 3D revolution

18 October 2010

Medicine at infinitesimally small and new generation imaging. Discover how technology is at the service of surgery. When reality is not enough, the 3D images are superimposed on the images of conventional cameras to guide surgeons and avoid serious mistakes. Watch video (6 mins)

See also: PAtient Specific Simulation and PreOperative Realistic Training for liver surgery

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