Latest News
- Croatia signed the eCall Memorandum of Understanding
(21 December 2010) By signing this Memorandum, Croatia committed itself to the timely implementation of eCall, the pan-European in-vehicle emergency call system. eCall enables a car involved in a crash to automatically dial 112 and call the nearest emergency centre. The system notifies the accident and transmits its exact location. Croatia is the 24th European country to sign the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).
- Ready to grow? Shaping future EU support for business - Conference on the future of the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme
25 January 2011 Brussels, Belgiium
The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) will come to an end in 2013 and the Commission services are currently elaborating actions and priorities to support the competitiveness of European businesses after 2013. The Commission invites interested stakeholders, including representatives of business and innovation agencies, to express their views on what can be improved and how in this field. Which key actions should the EU focus on to help businesses grow ? Which ones should be strengthened in CIP? Are there specific fields where action is necessary but are not currently covered? What should be the link between EU support for research and EU support for competitiveness and innovation? A parallel exhibition will be held the whole day, showcasing the achievements of the CIP so far and allow participants to discuss with the respective Commission services current policy orientations and available funding opportunities. Registration will close on 15th January 2011.
- HEALTHINF 2011: International Conference on Health Informatics
26 January 2011 - 29 January 2011 Rome, Italy
The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners interested in the application of information and communication technologies (ICT) to healthcare medicine in general and to the specialized support for those with special needs in particular. Mobility and ubiquity in healthcare systems, standardization of technologies and procedures, certification, privacy are some of the issues that medical informatics professionals and the ICT industry in general need to address in order to further promote ICT in healthcare.
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