jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

[OFER-TRABEC] NAC: ICTS-CESGA: Access Programme for 2011

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Institución:Fundación CESGA
Contacto correo-e:icts@cesga.es
Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure.

First call deadline is December 16th, 2010.


The ICTS-CESGA Access Programme for 2011 is now open. CESGA invites researchers to submit access proposals for the first call from November 17th to December 16th , 2010.
The Programme aim is to grant access of individual researchers or research groups to ITCS-CESGA to carry out research projects, acquire knowledge or get training in technologies in use at the premises.
There are two types of access:
Remote access to Finis Terrae computing time.
Research stays at CESGA.

Access can be requested by predoctoral students, PhDs or researchers with a minimum of three years of research experience.

Proposals submitted until the deadline will be reviewed by an External Committee and the results of the selection will be notified in January 2011.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
For further information please visit http://icts.cesga.es

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