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Institución:IREC (Catalonia Institute for Energy Research)
Contacto correo-e:atarancon@irec.cat
Applications are invited for a PhD studenship to work in the Nanoionics and Fuel Cells Grup at the Catalonia Insitute for Energy Research (IREC) located in Barcelona (Spain). The research project will involve investigations related to power generators for portable applications.
The main goal of this PhD is the development of a generator capable of converting hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy, i.e. the development of a micro fuel cell.
The relevance of the fuel cell technology lies in the pressing necessity for our society to develop new energy-production technologies to provide a smooth transition from the present fossil fuel cell economy to a new hydrogen economy based on renewable energies. Our project tries to reduce fuel cells to the micrometric scale for portable devices power supply applications.
We offer: There is an open fellowship call directly associated to this project, you can find the details at www.irec.cat (Education, Ref.#14).
Requirements: Degree in Physics, Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science or equivalent. Master required.
Información complementaria de la oferta:
Call info: www.irec.cat (Education, Ref.#14)
Contact person: Dr. Albert Tarancón (atarancon@irec.cat)
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