martes, 1 de febrero de 2011

e-Inclusion Newsletter - 01/02/2011

1 February 2011

Latest News

Information day for CIP ICT PSP Call 5, 11 February 2011, Brussels, Belgium

(25 January 2011) This Information day will offer potential participants the opportunity to share ideas and network with potential partners on the following objectives: ICT Solutions for Fall prevention and ICT and Ageing network ; Digital competences and social inclusion ; e-accessibility. This event is organised prior to the general CIP Call 5 Info Day of 28 February 2011.

See also: General CIP Call 5 Info Day of 28 February 2011.

Project Success Story - Better technology for Europe's silver surfers: the Vital project

(1 February 2011) The EU-funded (Sixth Framework Programme for research) project 'Vital assistance for the elderly' (VITAL) has developed an integrated set of technologies and a unifying platform to provide internet-based services and applications to elderly users. The consortium has a sound plan for exploiting the project's results, including the service component and capitalising on the social network market. Meticube, an SME with a dedicated business strategy for the health care and ambient assisted living (AAL) markets, will lead the market rollout of this plan.

See also: Vital project website

eFuture: Creating Solutions for the Individual, Organisations and Society

12 June 2011 - 15 June 2011 Bled, Slovenia

This year's conference theme focuses on the impacts of e-initiatives and how they serve to shape the New eWorld. The deadline for submission of Research Papers has been extended to February 15th, 2011. Business Track Proposals (panels, workshops, meetings) can be submitted until March 15, 2011.

eChallenges e2011 - Call for Papers

26 October 2011 - 28 October 2011 Florence, Italy

eChallenges e-2011 will focus on applied ICT research topics addressing major societal and economic challenges. The programme will combine strategic keynote presentations, technical and policy papers, case studies, workshops, an exhibition and social activities. The programme will showcase results from projects funded at national and regional level as well as those funded by European Commission Research Programmes. The goal of e-2011 is to stimulate rapid take-up of Research and Technology Development results by industry and in particular SMEs, and help open up the European Research Area (ERA) to the rest of the world. A Call for Papers has been published (deadlline : 28th February)

New in the Library

Playing for Health : how videogames can help to treat diseases

1 February 2011

Euronews reports about Playmancer, an EU funded project that looks into how videogames can help to treat diseases as diverse as addiction to gambling, eating disorders and back and neck chronic pain. The videogame has already been developed, and is currently under clinical trials in Barcelona and Enschede (Netherlands) with real patients. Euronews filmed these clinical trials and talked to the patients, clinicians, developers and therapists involved.

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