viernes, 4 de febrero de 2011

Information Society Newsroom Update Weekly - 04/02/2011

Weekly Issue - 4 February 2011

Latest News

Innovation - key issues for the European Council

(1 February 2011) Common action at the EU level can add real value by improving the framework conditions for research and innovation in the EU. The Europe 2020 flagship initiative on an Innovation Union describes how Europe can deliver real added-value to boost innovation. Europe must become an environment conducive to innovation, through effective standardisation, better use of intellectual property rights, innovation-friendly public procurement and measures to help small, innovative companies to secure financing. This memo outlines some of the key issues that are on the table of this week's European Council meeting.

New Innovation Union Scoreboard: main competitors outpace the EU despite progress in many Member States

(1 February 2011) The EU is failing to close the innovation performance gap with its main international competitors: the US and Japan. Although the trends in most EU Member States are promising despite the economic crisis, progress is not fast enough. While the EU still maintains a clear lead over the emerging economies of India and Russia, Brazil is making steady progress, and China is catching up rapidly. Within the EU, Sweden is the most impressive performer followed by Denmark, Finland and Germany. The UK, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Luxembourg, France, Cyprus, Slovenia and Estonia, in that order, form the next group. These are some of the main conclusions from the 2010 Innovation Union Scoreboard (IUS) published today by the European Commission. This is the first edition under the Innovation Union initiative and replaces the former European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). The Scoreboard feeds into the recently published Annual Growth Survey to help Member States identify strengths and weaknesses and to boost innovation performance through their Europe 2020 National Reform Programmes.

See also: The Innovation Union Scoreboard: Monitoring the innovation performance of the 27 EU Member States

Croatia joins EU programme to break down e-barriers

(1 February 2011) The Republic of Croatia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the EU to join the ISA Programme. ISA, which stands for "Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations", takes a practical approach in supporting easier communication between administrations across Europe.

Pervasive Health Conference 2011

23 May 2011 - 26 May 2011 Dublin, Ireland

The 2011 Pervasive Healthcare conference aims to gather technology experts, practitioners, industry and international authorities contributing towards the assessment, development and deployment of pervasive medical based technologies, standards and procedures. The theme of this year's conference is: "Coping with the Challenges and opportunities within Pervasive E-Healthcare (COPE)", with a special focus on pervasive healthcare management and its ability to deliver timely, quality based information to medical practitioners in providing high levels of patient care.

Fighting cybercrime and child pornography on the internet

17 March 2011 - 18 March 2011 Lisbon, Portugal

This event will offer a platform to debate and assess all legal measures to prevent and combat the production, processing, possession and distribution of child pornography material on the internet and to promote the effective investigation and prosecution of offences in this area of law.

Standards : an Architecture for the Smart Grid

5 April 2011 - 6 April 2011 Sophia Antipolis, France

Smart Grid is now widely seen as a major industry and societal evolution where the convergence of power and ICT industries and technologies is going to bring major changes in people's lifes. It is also clear that this will happen over many years and only if the standards needed for such a complex evolution are available and able to evolve over the years. After an initial phase of gap analysis and the identification of immediately applicable standards, activity in standardisation is now addressing the longer term challenges of building new standards wherever it is needed. The standards community is gradually realising that the full deployment of a variety of new applications (e.g. electrical vehicle, integration of renewables) will require a well thought architecture encompassing a variety of facets: functions, communications, security, information. The workshop will address some of the aspects of standards development with an architectural approach, from understanding the requirements and the underlying use cases to the long-term challenges posed to research.

All for broadband - broadband for all

3 March 2011 Budapest, Hungary

The overall objective of the conference is to focus on one of the main action areas of the Digital Agenda: enhancing fast and ultra fast Internet access. While "Broadband for All" became a universal objective of the European Union in creating a truly digital single market and contributing to social inclusion, the tools to achieve it still remain under discussion. No doubt that decision makers, stakeholders and consumers are "All for Broadband", but there is clearly a need to discuss whether and how public financing and intervention can help in achieving this objective. It is also essential to examine carefully the impact of content in broadband development. The conference also focuses on the contribution of effective spectrum management and policies to broadband deployment.

The role of technology in achieving extended life years

1 March 2011 Vienna, Austria

This European Forum will look at the role of technology in achieving extended life years. Presentations and discussions will examine the scientific, end user and private sector perspective and introduce ongoing key European projects in this area.

ICT and rural areas: building the knowledge society at grassroots level

10 February 2011 Brussels, Belgium

This event will provide a useful platform for discussing the implementation of ICT policies in rural areas and how policy has been implemented in different Member States. The main focus will be on rural development policy and the event will look at both broadband infrastructure and its utilisation. It is organised by the European Network for Rural Development (EN RD).


New in the Library

Playing for Health : how videogames can help to treat diseases

1 February 2011

Euronews reports about Playmancer, an EU funded project that looks into how videogames can help to treat diseases as diverse as addiction to gambling, eating disorders and back and neck chronic pain. The videogame has already been developed, and is currently under clinical trials in Barcelona and Enschede (Netherlands) with real patients. Euronews filmed these clinical trials and talked to the patients, clinicians, developers and therapists involved.

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